SPIN SANTA AROUND THE NORTH POLE in this delightful viral video animation from Pinderoons....by Joyce Schwarz, blogging at www.hollywood2020.blogs.com.... it's an amazing little video-- clever, personalized very rewarding...maybe you've seen it -- we hadn't and when a pal of ours originally from the UK sent it to us today...we didn't have time to play it...BUT we sure have played it several times since.
Here's the link to SPIN SANTA AROUND THE NORTH POLE...really
oops Santa is spun around and around...in the PINDEROON holiday video...
You even get to personalize this viral video from Pinderoon....
oops you have to see this to believe it -- simply adorable...okay maybe PG rated but still adorable...
Santa's Reindeer is the lighting guy -- of course what else is that red nose good for if not lighting :)
Pinderoons Santa..
.we have an email into Andy Pinder who appears to be one of the creators of this amazing viral video...we'll let you know when we hear from him !
UPDATE -12/22/06- we heard from Andy Pinder via email from the UK-- he says he IS PINDERTOONS...it's his gig -- and no he's not the one who works at that alphabet big corporate company...He gave us some other kewl stuff to look at but we can't share that :( -- Thanks Andy-- we loved SANTA>>>>>>>