20/20 -- the show not our blog...www.hollywood2020.blogs.com is talking live as we blog about "going viral"....how forwarding to a friend and a friend of a friend can go viral by Joyce Schwarz, blogging at Hollywood2020.blogs.com.
They are talking about the URBAN NINJA who parlayed his highlight reel into exposure to get a job as a stunt man.....
This allows anybody to come up with anything and given them a network...before this there were 40 or 50 guys in Hollywood and New York....forget Hollywood & Vine...20/20 says...
Trailwood and Whispering Oaks is the site of David Lair's parody of myspace:the movie....'the angles'...shot of her face, shot of her butt...every kid got it...myspace the movie had a million hits 2 days after hitting Youtube.com...President of Fox brings him to the studio...asks him what he wants ""I want my own TV Studio"...and he says yes...it happens every day....Lair shot the pilot himself...in Michigan and if it doesn't end up on Network TV no problem....TV is dying...too many suits basically....500 channels and nothing to watch....set out to do something completely different.
MADISON AVENUE is scrambling to get a piece of its (viral) action....ad for BMW -- kids opening present at XMAS....NIKE viral ads...new Nike ad...featuring treadmill ....borrowed from a fan....
INTERNET sensations....trying to do the same thing bigger and weirder...do it on a treadmill and...off on another viral rocket ride....video nominated for a grammy...and their live performance on a treadmill-- highlight of the MTV awards..."we know we will be known as the crazy dance guys".....
Internet is totally the WILD WEST hmmm so I look up 20/20 on YOUTUBE.com -- and here's what I get??? zilch...just some old video....