A SHOUT OUT TO JULIAN DIBBELL ...who's fast gaining a rep as the 'bad boy of virtual worlds" ....by Joyce Schwarz blogging at www.hollywood20202.blogs.com, We were going to blog about STATE OF PLAY the conference in NY looking at what's next for Virtual worlds in terms of legal, education and more...but our attention was suddenly caught by Julian Dibbell's blue tong and his outrageousness which we realize we've never catured in this blog!
WHO IS JULIAN? The description on the STATE OF PLAY website describes him as:an author, a professional baiter of IRS agents, a ninja-looter, a purchaser of gold farming services, and a relentless tab-targetter. He is mad, bad, and dangrous to raid with. www.juliandibbell.com
It's been three years since Dibbell announced to his family he was going to start a new career trading 'make-believe' commodities and that he was going to get rich doing it....that's the essence of the opening paragraph of his new book. Now who wouldn't be intrigued! Play for money....money for play-- what an amazing combo!
Here's part of the description of the book on Amazon.com:Play Money is an extended walk on the weird side: a vivid snapshot of a subculture whose denizens were once the stuff of mere sociological spectacle but now--with computer gaming poised to eclipse all other entertainments in dollar volume, and with the lines between play and work, virtual and real increasingly blurred--look more and more like the future. More on Dibbell in the future...it was that blue tongue that got us! Oh and the lure of making real money in a virtual world...that's a good attraction too!