HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW...usually gets what's going on in the new new thing area...by Joyce Schwarz blogging at www.hollywood2020.blogs.com. We like HBR and are always surprised on how they can give an outside look at what's happening in emerging tech.'
Plus HBR writers always have a way of using a new term that's intriguing for something that has really been happening awhile...see blogger Joyce Schwarz calls what they are talking about here -- MERCHANDISING or LICENSING....like more money made from merchandising Jurassic Park than on the movie itself-- think that was the first example of where merchandise/licensing made more than the film release itself. Habbo.com -- is already licensing it's FURNI and other goodies....WEBKINZ....sells the product first and then the online world...and we could keep going on and on.
SO WHY IS IT WHEN WE MENTIONED THIS AT THE LA GAMES CONFERENCE....everybody seemed to disagree...nope merchandise won't sell with games...nope licensing not going to work...Even when Joyce Schwarz stopped to talk to a woman game producer...there didn't seem to be any interest-- of course that lady didn't even have a business card with her so what could we expect?
WIKIPEDIA -- LICENSING INDUSTRY $80 BILLION -- wow that's bigger than the game and the movie and TV industry combined??????????Licensing Industry Merchandiser's Association - Wikipedia, the ...
Founded in 1985, the Licensing Industry Merchandiser's Association (LIMA) is the industry trade group of the $80 billion licensing industry. ... |
.'Reverse Product Placement' Game's Next Big ...as the opening of this article says: In the latest issue of the Harvard Business Review, former MIT academic and current Xbox Live Arcade product planner David Edery has advocated for 'reverse placement'
WHAT's REVERSE PRODUCT PLACEMENT -- according to Gamasutra and Edery --creating fictional brand names and then launching them in real life.
Here's a link to where you can purchase the HBR article: Reverse Product Placement in Virtual Worlds
Summary of Reverse Product Placement in Virtual Worlds, by David Edery. Find this and other business articles and publications at Harvard Business School ... Reverse product placement This kind of thing is whatANOTHER DEFINITION -- FROM MEDIAPOST.COM : VISIBLE WORLD AND OPEN TV