Fascinating story in TV WEEK by Daisey Whitney this week...called Reputation Rehab....and subtitled Bowling to Advertisers. Sites Abstain from Sex....blogged by Joyce Schwarz, Hollywood2020.blogs.com. Whitney's opening line is one of the great stunners to many who are not insiders in the video sharing, viral video biz...."Video-sharing Web sites are trying to wean themselves from the oldest profession on the Internet.".....hmmm brings us back to the beginning of the Internet online when we gave a speech about R.O.I. in Paris, France and included the info on how many of the websites of that early era 1995-1996-1997 ....all used s-e-x as a main ingredient in their marketing mix. Many ETBs (early true believers) in the Internet online know that one of AOL's earliest draws was its sex chat rooms....in fact I've heard reference to AOL: The House that Sex Built used several times.....PS TV WEEK...really nice to get your "first look alerts" and be able to see your site without registrations and memberships and subscriptions...especially when you're a blogger. Not so with other Hollywood trades who demand subscriptions and won't let journalists in to even look at articles they would like to praise to their own readers....Take a hint other Hollywood trades PLEASE.......