During a quick trip to Las Vegas on business, I stayed with a long-time pal whose son just enlisted in the Marines. She referred me to when I asked to share the website with my readers.
Many of you remember the sad but popular blog I did on the Brookpark, Ohio Marines in the past.
Here's a link to that if you're interested. Hollywood2020: Cleveland, Ohio
Semper Fi to the Brook Park Marines and their families. ... native Clevelander now in Hollywood.. blogging at Joyce_business_photo_5 ... |
The Marine parents site is an example of a powerful online social networking group that really gets involved in real life too. We heard about this new effort and want to support it here with our blog. Since we were just on the panel at Las Vegas with the Arts & Entertainment A&E website, we also note that this could make a heartwearming segment for TV if you're in the biz....maybe even a reality series if it was done right so that it is encouraging and gives us some behind-the-scenes info on what's happening.
Operation PAL™: Prayers and Letters is a new project started by, Inc. in support of our active duty Marines who have been injured or become ill while in combat or upon return from combat.
Click here for a photo slide show of Operation PAL™ Marines.
The note below is copied directly from the website:
"Our goal is to provide support to injured Marines in the form of Prayers and Letters. We try to reach 100 cards sent to each Marine that is on our Operation PAL™ list.
Address the envelope to each Marine individually. If you are sending cards to each Marine, address them individually, but then mail them in one large envelope addressed to "Operation PAL™". If they are in one large envelope, each card/letter does NOT need additional postage. We'll sort them here and get them to each of the Marines.
YES, you can write and pray too-- you don't have to be a Marine Parent!
So go ahead write a note now-- saying how much you appreciate their hard work and support them as they are on the mend. I've got a few holiday cards left so I'm going to use those to wish them a good year. The guys and gals will probably chuckle when they get the cards -- they'll know they are left over cards and realize that is exactly what their own mom or dad might do to just get the message need to run out and buy new cards...or just write a note. The address to send them is below-- one address and they will forward the cards. What to say -- just what your heart tells you...and of course total 'props' to them as they heal!
Glad to be able to help here.
The following Marines need our Prayers and Letters. Please add these Marines to your prayers and send a Letter or Card to each of them personally at the mailing address below. This list is kept up-to-date so check back often.
All cards should be sent to the following address. Please put the Marine's name from above on the top line of the letter or card.
This address is for Operation PAL™ only. For all other correspondence and donations, please see the Contact Us page for the mailing address. TAKE A MOMENT AND SAY A PRAYER OR SEND A CARD OR BOTH :)) |