SOCIAL NETWORKING -- a buzz word but in reality it's just life by Joyce Schwarz, blogging at It's all about the people baby. A tough trip to Vegas (lost luggage both heading there and coming back) and a bunch of smaller glitches made me realize that life is really about the people. That's what Social Networking in the real world IS! Here are some of my social networking highlights from this past trip to CES:
*Meeting Robin Leach, TV personality --who talked at the MediaZone press conference at CES announcing Social TV -- about how he helped get ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT syndicated via distribution of satellite dishes worth $40,000 to the stations.
*Talking on the airplane to a seatmate -- a lawyer/accountant on deadline to give a speech on SOX (Sarbanes Oxley) and seeing how his face lit up during the chat when he was talking about his family -- his wife and three daughters.
*Lunch@ Piero's always fascinating -- organized by Pat Meier the grand duchess of this fascinating event and talking to an analyst who has been there and done that in the CES/wireless business for the past 20 years and meeting one of the elder statesmen of consumer electronics who talked about launching new products 20 years ago.
*Joining in with a client for the toast at the end of their product launch @ CES and brainstorming with them about what's next!
*Shout out to the Las Vegas police dude who just warned me via his loudspeaker that I was going too slow -- 25 in a 35 and holding up traffic as I looked for the on-ramp for the ticket, no paper warning.
*To my long time pal who let me crash at her gorgeous place in Spanish Trails gated community and her patience with my eye infection etc.
To the sponsors who so graciously invited me to their parties. To the pals I saw at Digital Hollywood's green room and to the audience who showed up for the panel that I was speaking on @ CES.
It's the PEOPLE BABY -- and never forget that! Media comes and goes, brands come and go, technology is always changing. But it's the humanity that really matters! Thanks for reading and proving my point.