As my regular readers to already know, I've taken an interest in covering the fracus surrounding the Guerrilla Game competition at Slamdance Festival in Utah (Slamdance is an alt fest near Sundance, of course) by Joyce Schwarz blogging at
Slamdance Guerrilla Gamemaker competition became a source of controversy at the festival when they ousted a game finalist.
Alas, I was out of commission this past week due to an illness so I could not cover the weekend reporting on the much-promised panel discussion at Slamdance on this controversy.
Here are links to the coverage that I see updating what happened at Slamdance (from the USC TROJAN) piece to the Deseret News story (which is the only one I can find actually covering the panel). Incidentally, called the Deseret News movie editor who broke the story for that pub and emailed him with info about the time for the discussion last Sunday which he did not have on the schedule yet.
Here's a good update on USC's role in pulling sponsorship:
Interactive Media pulls Slamdance sponsorship
Daily Trojan Online, CA -
Danny Ledonne, a game designer un-affiliated with USC, created "Super Columbine Massacre RPG." The role-playing game places players in the shoes of one of ...
Here's the only coverage we found so far on the panel on Sunday (note Ledonne's name is misspelled in the Deseret News article)
Columbine game was pulled over legal risk
Deseret News, UT -
... Sunday during a panel discussion about why the controversial video game "Super Columbine Massacre RPG" was pulled from a Slamdance game competition. ...