Never underestimate the power of Howard Stern...on Sirius radio now his latest foray into the headlines is promoting the zany website which is called in an effort to totally screw up the results of the AMERICAN IDOL tv show voting results more power to the people I guess, blogged by Joyce Schwarz, originally launched in 2004 is in the headlines thanks to shock jock Howard Stern on Sirius Radio!
On they explain the site by saying on the home page:
We're back! was started in 2004 to support voting for the entertaining contestants who the producers would hate to see win on American Idol. Why do we do it? During the initial auditions, the producers of Idol only let certain people through. Many good people are turned away and many bad singers are kept around to see Simon, Paula, and Randy so that America will be entertained. It's simple: American Idol is not about singing at all, it's about making good reality TV and enjoying the cheesy, guilty pleasure of watching bad singing. We agree that a fish out of water is entertaining, and we want to acknowledge this fact by encouraging people to make an even funnier show by helping t he amusing antagonists stick around. VFTW sees keeping these contestants around as a golden opportunity to make a funnier show. FOR MORE PRESS COVERAGE ON VOTE FOR THE WORST see: