iPhone Seeds Mobile Marketing Growth
(excerpted from an article by Joyce Schwarz on www.imediaconnection.com January 27, 2007 see link at end of excerpt):.
Apple, which revolutionized the music business with the introduction of its iPod, just may be doing the same thing for the mobile advertising industry. New media analyst Joyce Schwarz explains.
The interactive media community is buzzing about how Apple's iPhone handset, bundled with top search and portal leaders Google and Yahoo!, may ring in new apps and revenue models for content and commerce. Savvy analysts and media planners realize that combo-marketing with Apple's iconic brand and co-marketing to the company's early adaptor audience may justify larger budgets for multi-platform brand campaigns that run across three or more screens.
Beyond the research
The research continues to support mobile marketing as the next-gen "killer app" for advertisers. Last week's eMarketer report, for example, predicts that brands will spend nearly $5 billion on wireless advertising, up from $421 million in 2006. Sure, you've heard before that mobile marketing is heating up, but in the long run mobile commerce will dwarf those projections.
That's why the real edge for Apple's iPhone may be in exploiting the iTunes' platform across channels. Can Apple's iPhone really impact the interactive marketplace if it only reaches CEO Steve Jobs' projection of 10 million iPhones sold by 2008?
Yes, because its buyers promise to be the much-desired social influencers in next-gen mobile media and commerce. Think about iPhone partners' Google/YouTube deal and Yahoo's foray into mobile social networking.
Rival Nokia may brag that they shipped 140 million phones with built-in cameras and 70 million with MP3 players worldwide last year, but look behind the stats and you'll see Nokia's past success largely confined to the low-margin, bottom end of market and it's multimedia arm controls little or no media to play on those handsets. Last summer, Nokia bought Loudeye, a startup digital music distribution platform and is offering that online media storefront. MSN Music shut down last November and redirects buyers to the Zune marketplace. But Apple's iTunes Music Store market stronghold dominates.
iMedia Connection: iPhone Seeds Mobile Marketing Growth
iPhone Seeds Mobile Marketing Growth. By Joyce Schwarz ... That's why the real edge for Apple's iPhone may be in exploiting the iTunes' platform across ... www.imediaconnection.com/content/13331.asp - 51k - Jun 28, 2007 - |