Microsoft's version of the MINORITY REPORT 3D screen surfaced officially at the D Conference in Carlsbad, CA...blogged by Joyce Schwarz, According to press reports, the first product a 30 inch display table is designed for commercial use. Here's the link to POPULAR MECHANIC's report on Microsoft's new product some call SURFACE...Microsoft Surface system
Diagram of Microsoft's version of MINORITY REPORT screen
Here's a link to another story about Microsoft's SURFACE "table" --Surface Computer - Video
Black Hills Today, Deadwood -
One of the key components of surface computing is a "multitouch" screen. It is an idea that has been floating around the research community since the 1980s ...MSFT
click on thumbnail to see an earlier version of the Microsoft "SURFACE" table shown in San Francisco....copyright says CNET but we found it on ZDNET so thanks.
HERE's a quick recap of other multi-touch surface apps from HP, Reactrix etc courtesy of ZD NET:
For some PCs, surface tech runs deep
ZDNet -
Microsoft garnered lots of attention when it unveiled the Surface tabletop computer , but Redmond isn't the only company interested in multitouch interfaces ... has featured the 'entertaible earlier) click on thumbnail to see another version of it featured in ZDNET...
OF COURSE, the most anticipated multi-sense device will be out at the end of this month -- Apple's iPHONE!