VIDEORAMA --online video skyrocketed so that according to more than 126 million Americans viewed online streaming video in March. That seems almost impossible --by Joyce Schwarz, blogging at But they back it up with these figures:
comScore Video Metrix rankings for March 2007, showing Google Sites as the top U.S. streaming video property with 57.4 million unique people streaming (“streamers”) and 1.2 billion video streams initiated. drove the lion’s share of the video streaming activity at the Google Sites property with 53.5 million unique streamers and 1.1 billion streams initiated.
My guestimate-- and I have not called Comscore on this -- is that there MUST be duplication between the 57.4 milliion uniques on the Google sites and the other 'streamers' on Fox and Yahoo etc. I cannot understand how Comscore could determine that these are different people /users/streamers. Figuring that there are only 300 million people in the USA? Let me do some more research on this and get back to you -- here are some more of their comments:
In total, more than 126 million Americans viewed online streaming video in March. Google Sites also captured the largest streaming video audience with more than 57 million unique streamers, followed by Fox Interactive Media with 47.4 million and Yahoo!
Other notable findings from March 2007 include: Top U.S. Online Streaming Video Properties March 2007 Source: comScore Video Metrix Property Unique Video Reach (%) Among Total Total Internet 126,635 71.4% Google Sites 57,376 32.3% Fox Interactive Media 47,446 26.7% Yahoo! Sites 34,532 19.5% Time Warner Network 28,945 16.3% Viacom Digital 20,245 11.4% Microsoft Sites 17,933 10.1% Sony Online 11,956 6.7% Disney Online 9,801 5.5% ESPN 8,603 4.9% 7,033 4.0%
Streamers (000) U.S. Internet Users