....I can't help think that Reality TV is the one driving force that makes an online life-tracking system such as Twitter interesting -- perhaps even titillating in this day of p2p living, blogged by Joyce Schwarz@
Using Twitter becomes a game with yourself, how much do I put up there to sound interesting, yet not really reveal my inner frailty - to sound/be human without being vulnerable?
The promo apps of TWITTER seem like great innovations -- so I guess I'll just start there and link to these two uses-- for MTV promo and for political propoganda:
Human Giant to Twitter at the MTV Movie Awards I4U - Social messaging service Twitter gets some exposure at the MTV Movie Awards on Sunday. The guys from the MTV Show Human Giant are twittering live as they ... |
Will Young People Vote for Their "Friends" In 2008? I JUST LOVE THIS DEFINITION OF "titillation": To excite another, especially in a superficial, pleasurable manner: "Once you decide to titillate instead of illuminate . . . you create a climate of expectation that requires a higher and higher level of intensity" Bill Moyers. |