WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE A FUTURIST? blogged by Joyce Schwarz, www.hollywood2020.blogs.com. John Smart, founded the LA Future Salon in Santa Monica back in Jauary 2001. In a new article on www.LAist.com, he explains that his goal was to 'find a community of friends who are seriously interested in thinking and talking about where the world is going, and to better understand our options for personal and social change."
Now, John is turning over the reigns and heading up North to Silicon Valley...and I realize I've never really blogged about his research & views on "What does it mean to be a futurist". In that same LAist.com article he defines a futurist as "someone who looks to and provides analysis of the future"...simple right? Not quite! Smart says there are many ways to do that. He adds that everyone who has ever wondered about tomorrow or planned for the next week is a futurist at some level.
"By reading the work of people who study these things, we've identified 12 common types of future thinking," according to Smart. You can also think of them like stages, he explains. "We each tend to start out in the simplest stages (preconventional futurist, personal futurist, imaginative futurist) and learn others as well over time. John then refers readers to the actual definitions which are posted at: http://www.accelerationwatch.com/futuristdef.html .
\Fu"tur*ist\, n.
Today, there are sister salons to the LA Future Salon in the Bay Area, San Diego and Las Vegas. If you're interested in the LA Future Salon which will continue in this area, then mark this page...Los Angeles Future Salon
ON A PERSONAL NOTE....it's been my pleasure and honor to meet and know John Smart, props to him for all of his leadership and caring about us today and the future above and beyond the call of duty! Joyce Schwarz....