What's next for broadband? This may be the best story I've seen lately about what's nexgt in broadband, Internet/television, mobile etc. by Joyce Schwarz, www.hollywood2020.blogs.com. '
Highlights of this article (see the complete clickthrough below) include:
* Soon, people everywhere will get access to uninterrupted information, entertainment, communication, monitoring and control through wireless connections. In addition to the opportunities this freedom will offer consumers in every manner of product, service and application, it will open a new world for providers of content and services
The new forms of communication and entertainment this technology will enable center around communities with common interests, sporting events, social networks and even user locations that will allow consumers to carry their lives and friends around in their pockets
For example, imagine a sporting event where spectators can compete with each other to predict the next play using the peer-to-peer capabilities built into their mobile phones. Then, after the game, imagine that they can use a social networking service in conjunction with built-in GPS to find their buddies and discuss the game at a restaurant or friend’s house.
Consumers Demand Nothing Less Than Personal Broadband Capabilities ...