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    « RULES OF THE HOLLYWOOD GAME ARE CHANGING | Main | TECH TRENDS FOR TELEVISION SUMMER 07 by Joyce Schwarz/author/emerging entertainment futurist »

    July 19, 2007


    I too was lucky enough to have my name pulled from the treasure chest. I also was on the Pop Eye Show in 1961 or 1962. I was telling my husband and kids about the happy memory of being on the show and winning the squiggel contest. I remember drawing a bird on a tree. By no means was I an artist or am I today, but I would love to have fottage of the day I was on. If you know of where I can purchase a copy, please let me know.

    Thank you,

    Lucy May (Spooner)

    To Nancy Mann,
    There are some pictures of Tom Hatten and some kids on this link. Not a clip, Nancy, but maybe your friend is one of the kids? Good luck with your search!

    I'm now 55. When I was 8 (1961 or 1962) my friend Debbie Poeppel (tom hatten pronounced her name Pop-el which sent us into stitches for 5 years) Anyway Debbie's name was pulled out of the treasure chest and she went on the popeye shoe with tom hatten to do a squiggel. she was my and my sister's very best friend our entire childhood ( and her parents were my parents best friends) but unfortunately in Oct 1971 Debbie was killed in a car accident. She was a wonderful person and over 100 people came to her funeral. Even the parish priest sobbed. Our family still mourns her. A main topic when we get together is that we talk about trying to get a copy of that clip of her on Popeye-- is there any chance?
    In my mind I can still see her looking up at Tom H. in her dress with its petticoat--She was such sweet child, teenager and young adult.

    Please reply even if there's nothing you can do--I'd really appreciate it.

    Nancy Mann
    628 Grove St.
    San Luis O bispo, CA 93401

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