PIXEL CHIX is a popular Mattel toy /roleplaying game that I've written about many times in the blog blogged by Joyce Schwarz, www.hollywood2020.blogs.com. So now I see BEE A PET -- from the new BEE movie and the best way to explain it is that it's like a clone of Pixel Chix...feed the Bee, send him/her to school, teach him to fly etc. Of course in two seconds I had 1) fed my bee and 2) got him BZZZING -- except that he was snoring and I was told to come back in 27 minutes -- talk about a STICKY APP!
BEE A PET -- sticky promo app for BEE MOVIE!
BEE A PET -- my bee is BZZZZING -- that means snoring -- come back in 27 minutes -- !!
Posted by: katlyn | April 18, 2008 at 07:48 PM