WHAT'S THE FUTURE OF SEARCH AND PERSONALIZATION....by Joyce Schwarz, JCOM, www.joycecom.com, marketing and business development for launches in emerging entertainment, tech & media. ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED Fall, 2006 -- this is a reprint. copywritten. For permission to reprint or to get copies of the slides that appeared -- email [email protected]. Don't forget Joyce's panel on Thurs, Nov 1 at Digital Hollywood on The Next Generation in Mobile and Broadband personalization!
TELEPRESENCE, WIRELESS & ICONS --keys to future of search & discovery.
How will the latest developments in multimedia, immersive environments, telepresence, RFID, text messaging and holographic and iconic images change how we search & discover info/edu-tainment and more?
In moderator Joyce Schwarz preview to her panel on Search and Personalization at fall Digital Hollywood, 2006, she presented a futuristic depiction of how next-gen tech & media will radically alter search and discover of info for business, gaming, edu-tainment, training and way-finding around the world.
Note a complete slide by slide presentation is available from Joyce Schwarz, email her at [email protected] for permission to view the presentation. Note it is copy-written so do not use the slides without her permission nor copy the presentation.
Interface is key in the future of search and discovery according to Joyce Schwarz, JCOM, moderator FUTURE OF SEARCH AND PERSONALIZATION, Digital Hollywood, fall, 2006 and author & public speaker and new product launch consultant at JCOM, www.joycecom.com.
A scene from the film MINORITY REPORT emphasizes a point that Joyce Schwarz makes in her preview of the future of search and discovery -- the fact that search is going vertical and horizontal --multi-level, hyper-search is becoming increasingly popular in virtual worlds, immersive environments and telepresence according to Schwarz, www.joycecom.com.
STAR WARS holograms and STAR TREK-type HOLODECKS become more realistic options for search and discovery especially in today's science and pharmaceutical labs as depicted at several recent SIGGRAPH 'walk-through' holographic experiences according to Joyce Schwarz, JCOM, author and futurist, www.joycecom.com.
First of a series of posts on the future of search and discovery as part of a preview presentation by Joyce Schwarz, JCOM @ Digital Hollywood, fall, 2006, for more information or permissions for this presentation, email Joyce Schwarz, JCOM, [email protected]. Note the presentation is copy written so permissions are necessary.
October 27, 2006 PART 2 of 3 parts.
FUTURE OF SEARCH & PERSONALIZATION Joyce Schwarz Presentation Digital Hollywood
WELCOME TO THE OFFICE OF THE FUTURE AND THE HOME OF THE FUTURE...where screens and info and entertainment are pervasive --and search and discovery are transparent by Joyce Schwarz, blogging at www.hollywood2020.blogs.com. Part two of four of Joyce Schwarz presentation at Digital Hollywood previewing the panel on The future of Search & Personalization fall, 2006 at Loews' Santa Monica Hotel.
WORKPLACE OF THE FUTURE -- as depicted by the gurus at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill-- featuring tele-immersive systems.
ENTERTAINMENT ROOM IN HOME OF THE FUTURE --courtesy of Philips Electronics depicting multiple screen inputs and delivery systems and 'transparent search'. Moving beyond the traditional 'home theatre'...to networked entertainment on demand.
ICONIC or PICTO-GRAPH SEARCH IS AS OLD AS THE CAVEMAN ERA--perfect for children who cannot read yet and international search when multiple language options are issues.
Virtual environments lend themselves to next-generation search and discovery...linking 'real-life' to the 'second-life' of games, immersive environments and even way-finding and 3D mapping systems. JPEG shows VIRTUAL MAGIC KINGDOM, AJAX HIVE 7 and CYBERWORLD
Encyclopedia Britannica describes Teletext TV by saying: Although relatively unknown in North America, teletext is routine throughout Europe. Teletext uses the vertical blanking interval (see the section The picture signal: Wave form) to send text and simple graphic information for display on the picture screen. The information is organized into pages that are sent repetitively, in a round-robin fashion; a few hundred pages…
For more information about this presentation email Joyce Schwarz @[email protected].
October 27, 2006 PART 3 of 3 parts:
FUTURE OF SEARCH AND PERSONALIZATION PART 3 Joyce Schwarz originally presented at Digital Hollywood Fall, 2006
Hypermedia, immersive environments, telepresence, screens2go and augmented reality are search and discovery options the future holds according to a presentation by this blogger(www.hollywood2020.blogs.com) at Digital Hollywood's panel on The Future of Search and Personalization. For more details email Joyce Schwaz at [email protected] Part 3 of 3
HYPERMEDIA...inside the matrix...and your living room....check out www.headplay.com which is set to launch in January...one example of creating a big screen environment for immersive gaming/training etc.
WEARABLES -- search for content /experiences....
WEARABLES and immersive environments-- soon the glasses will be gone-- Nintendo's WII and XBox's Camera and others promise -- new immersive systems that put YOU in the game.
VIRTUAL CONFERENCE TABLE...immersive environments and tele-immersion make search and discovery transparent in the workspace. Click on JPEG or see previous post Hollywood2020.blogs.com
SCREENS2GO -- pull-out screens not unlike ones you've seen in MINORITY REPORT movie-- will be available soon. Search and discovery become easier when you have a screen everywhere & anytime.
AUGMENTED REALITY -- RFID and other click to see systems will allow augmented text via a click to help with search, directions and more...already being used in museums and public spaces like the Time Square Billboards that promo via mobile phone SMS (text-messaging).
VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENTS -- link offline and online content-- such as simulated scenes from movies and TV online and in virtual worlds...click on JPEG for example of first level of search via online simulation.
GOOGLE CO-OP -- mash-ups/local search and customized search builds a bridge to the future for search and discover online and via mobile environments.
PERSONALIZED ICONS, BADGES & MORE add a 'me-only' advantage to search and discovery for user-generated content-- not unlike Watermarking-- MIKONS.com enable worldwide attention for your content & collections....see the new Mikon for this blog Hollywood2020.blogs.com.