Going into my panel at Digital Hollywood today -- at 11 a.m . November 1 -- I realize that the world DID change in the past 10 years. Blogged by Joyce Schwarz, JCOM, www.joycecom.com @ www.hollywood2020.blogs.com.
The WGA strike pending is about digital rights...Google is in talks with Verizon...AOL is worried about a DO NOT TRACK list...Social networking is at the heart of privacy and visibility on the web and more...join us in the Tent on the 5th floor by the ballroom of the Renaissance Hollywood Hotel -- find out more then. Here are the headlines on the Google-Verizon deal in progress....js
BusinessWeek -
by Spencer E. Ante Verizon Wireless and Google may be nearing an agreement that would place the Internet search engine in a prominent spot on the cellular operator's phones, but speculation that Verizon is set to introduce a new breed of phones ...
Google shares pass the $700 mark
Google phone: No Verizon deal yet