What else do you do when you're full of turkey? Morph yourself with a celebrity of course....and that's what Joyce Schwarz, www.hollywood2020.blogs.com did tonight or should I say this morning! She went over to www.morphthing.com which she discovered as a facebook app and then began to morph...hint -- if you're going to morph yourself--you have to fix the motion capture points first-- and then you should pick a pix of a celeb that is facing the same way as you -- ie straight forward, left/right etc...it helps so that you look somewhat real or should I say reel?
Joyce Schwarz morphed with Audrey Hepburn photo
Joyce Schwarz morphed with Alicia Silverstone photo ...hmm that blond hair won out !
Joyce Schwarz morphed with Gwen Stefani photo
Joyce Schwarz morphed with Marilyn Monroe photo -- okay don't ask me what happened to the chin??