Yep, 100,000 consoles in one week according to news reports from Sony-- Howard Stringer according to an AP report and the opening of an article on PRICE, PRICE, PRICE....find the pricepoint and you're golden is what I've always said -- Joyce Schwarz blogging at It used to be $299 for major purchases like these 'toys' but now it looks like it's upped to $399...but the results of this are stunning...from 35,000 to 75,000 or the 80GB price cut!
In an Associated Press article, CEO Howard Stringer said that the new $399 PlayStation 3, combined with the 80GB price cut, helped to sell over 100,000 consoles in America in the week ending November 11. The article in urges readers to:
Multiply that by four weeks in a month, and you have a serious contender on your hands and explains that Stringer was frank in his comments about the rocky road to financial success. "It's the breakthrough we've been anticipating," he said. "We've been holding our breath." And that breath-holding was with good reason, considering the PlayStation 3 has been selling about 35,000 consoles per week. Following the 80GB price cut, the company reports its sales rose to 75,000 in a week. The new 40GB model pushed it up to 100,000.
Texyt -
By Steve Watts, 11/15/2007 playstation 3's flagging sales have been a pretty hefty topic of conversation for the last year, not to mention a headache for Sony's finances.
November a Good Month for Sony playstation 3
Sony's PS3 With Blu-ray Gets Back In the Game