The Hollywood writer's strike continues...blogged by Joyce Schwarz, ...I don't know about you but I've been trying to find out some specifics on what's being offered to the I've scanned some of the recent stories and found these facts. If you have more facts-- please send them to me at [email protected]:
ACCORDING TO NEW YORK TIMES: Both Sides in Writers’ Strike See New-Media Future at StakeNew York Times -
According to Ciepley -- the leaders say they will pay only $250 for a year’s reuse of an hourlong program streamed on the Web, in contrast to the $20,000 currently paid for a network rerun.
The NEW YORK TIMES story also reports that the new proposal did not change the company’s proposed payments for downloaded films and shows. (The producers have offered writers the same residual rate they get for DVDs, which works out to 0.36 percent of wholesale revenues, which amounts to pennies per DVD but tens of thousands of dollars on the millions of copies of even modest hits; writers are seeking a rate of 2.5 percent.)
The TIMES article says: In a response to an e-mailed query, Mr. Young (blogger note exec director of the WGA) said guild leaders were pleased to know that companies were now offering an economic package they say will add $130 million to the $1.3 billion they already pay writers.