What's the 'new new new' thing in aggregating users and monetizing content --it's still WIDGETS of course....blogged by Joyce Schwarz, JCOM, www.joycecom.com, marketing & business development for emerging media & tech companies and products and founder www.hollywood2020.blogs.com.
GOING TO CES -- get a free pass for Joyce Schwarz panel on Widgets --email me at [email protected] with your name and title and I'll see about getting you a free pass to my panel at CES, Thursday, January 9, 2007. Hollywood2020: JOYCE SCHWARZ MODERATES: NEXT GEN MOBILE ... -
Digital Hollywood panel on widgets, Thursday, January 9 at CES: This will be the fourth panel that I’ve moderates with widgets in the title. Trhe last one at Digital Hollywood fall attracted standing room only and more than 150 attendees: For details on the panel see this post Hollywood2020: JOYCE SCHWARZ MODERATES: NEXT GEN MOBILE ... or go to www.digitalhollywood.com
MEANWHILE, here's the latest in the news on widgets!
13, 000 -- and $374 Million --NUMBER AND VALUE OF FACEBOOK WIDGETS: On Facebook alone, users have installed nearly 13,000 widgets approximately 765 million times, according to Adonomics, a Web site that tracks widgets on the social network. Adonomics estimates the combined value of these widgets to be $374 million. (source Forbes Jan 1, 2008)
100,000 --Number of people and companies (including hackers) developing widgets source, Forbes, Jan 1/2008
Facebook widget mixes in spyware -- so BEWARE! Widespread Facebook Application Installs Adware Secret Crush Leads ... FYI -- Secret Crush is developed by a third party and it also includes a pop-up that seems to pop up constantly telling you that several people have a secret crush on you...and yes I was tempted to check it out --but it looked like SPAM to me...but 50,000 other users did not seem to think so -- and yuck--they are now dealing with spyware. See blue link to full article.
TV WIDGETS -- evidently widgets for TV are popping up at CES -- here's some stories we found on the new Sharp Aquos TV widget capabilities for sports, weather, stock etc -- hmm is that the beginning of Interactive TV APPS??? And Archos TV has Opera widgets! (see below)
Sharp unveils TVs with direct Web connectivity
San Jose Mercury News, USA -
The service will offer widgets that can display sports scores, weather information and stock quotes in small boxes on the TV screen. ...
Archos, one of this blogger's favorite companies also announced it's adding widget apps:
PC Magazine -
Archos also recently released new widgets and games for all its WiFi devices. Opera widgets and a $10 game packet called "Playin' TV" are now available via ...
Emtrace Technologies won a CES Best of Innovations award for (can you believe it? ) a credit-card sized WIDGET VIEWERwere showing off their credit-card sized widget viewer, Photoskins, at CES Unveiled, and has won a CES Best of Innovations award for the ultra-compact real-time media display. it can display photos downloaded from a variety of online media sites such as Flickr and Picasa. Blogger note-- it looks to me like Embrace's viewer competes with Chumby --
The Chumby, a squishy, ball-like wireless Internet device, has been creating a buzz for months. Instead of using a keyboard or mouse, software called widgets allow it to display anything you want whenever you want it. It's a music player. It's an alarm clock. It keeps you up to the minute on the news and lets you know how you're doing on that eBay item you bid on.
Online Ad World Gets Wider with Widgets eWeek, NY - By Clint Boulton Clearspring plans to offer widgets with online ads, an area where Google is already playing. Widget maker Clearspring Technologies on Dec. ... |
New service will insert ads into Web widgets
BLOGGER NOTE -- according to CNET --
widgets, which are applications containing content such as video, games or news and which can be embedded in a user's webspace, are "blurring the line" between content and advertising.
Computerworld, MA - December 10, 2007 (Computerworld) -- Widget syndication and tracking company Clearspring Technologies Inc. today announced a new ad network that it said ... MOBILE WIDGETS: |