The controversial new film CLOVERFIELD is a hit despite the fact that it doesn't have any major stars in the movie blogged by Joyce Schwarz
Cloverfield pix has no real stars...
SO IS IT REALLY POSSIBLE TO SELL A FILM & GET IT DISTRIBUTED WITHOUT STARS -- or is it just another lucky phenomena like THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT? We at gathered up some other opinions we'd like to share with you on this. And yes we did catch the last 1 hour of the film recently -- we missed the opening which we understand is a 20 minute birthday tribute etc..but we got the idea. The production value is okay, the idea is pretty wild and from the people I talked to after -- it's a 14 - 23 year old's movie -- awesome was their comment. Plus each one told me JJ Abrahms LOST made the film....LOL. js.
UK GUARDIAN HAD BEST ARTICLE we saw-- plus they link to the first four minutes of the film itself , we included their link here on
The biggest 'star' in JJ Abrams' Cloverfield is a monster. Do we even need big names to break a movie these days, asks Joe Queenan ยท Watch the first four minutes of Cloverfield
Saturday February 2, 2008The Guardian All that said, the release of JJ Abrams and Matt Reeves' ingenious, not-at-all inept monster film Cloverfield should prompt us to revisit all the issues raised nine years agoNevertheless, Cloverfield is a clever, highly entertaining motion picture, despite the absence of a single star. The actors in Cloverfield are so obscure their own families may not know they are in the entertainment business yet. by The Blair Witch ProjectIs something happening here that Hollywood should be paying more attention to? Yes, but it probably won't. History already provides many examples of starless films that came out of nowhere to capture the public's fancy without ever seriously threatening the star system: The Gods Must Be Crazy, Clerks, Life Is Beautiful, Kids, and of course, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, the biggest-grossing romantic comedy in history. This being the case, Hollywood can write off starless films as something it has seen before....
Cloverfield 2 Is Coming; Dramamine Stocks Soar |