Hollywood2020.blogs.com blogger Joyce Schwarz missed this event when it was in NYC a few years ago-- but it's worthwhile to bring it up again...fascinating look at past and present. "I was fortunate enuf to see Frank Sinatra in person twice-- once in Vegas and once at a benefit at Carnegie Hall...the latter was the best-- I was in the 5th row and all these dudes in Tuxedos were standing on their chairs yelling -- for ONE MORE TIME FRANKIE....wow....amazing...js.
BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Arts | 'Virtual Sinatra' hits US stage
A new show on Broadway brings Frank Sinatra back to life - five years after ... be projected across moving 3D panels to create a 30ft tall virtual Sinatra. ... news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/arts/3189828.stm - 31k - |