Insight Feature Makes YouTube a Marketer's Testing Ground
E-Commerce Times - 25 minutes ago
By Jim Offner YouTube Insight will be a helpful tool, Yankee Group analyst Mike Goodman told TechNewsWorld. "The network is trying to make itself useful to ...
YouTube Insight: Underwhelming
Conde Nast Portfolio, NY - 21 minutes ago
Google's YouTube announced a tool, called YouTube Insight, but it doesn't seem all that great. The company says it can "give a lot of context around the ...
YouTube to Offer Users 'Insight'
Adweek, NY - 32 minutes ago
Using YouTube Insight, publishers can analyze the viewing patterns of individual videos far more thoroughly than in the past, when only total views and
E-Commerce Times -
By Jim Offner YouTube Insight will be a helpful tool, Yankee Group analyst Mike Goodman told TechNewsWorld. "The network is trying to make itself useful to ...
Conde Nast Portfolio, NY -
Google's YouTube announced a tool, called YouTube Insight, but it doesn't seem all that great. The company says it can "give a lot of context around the ...
Adweek, NY -
Using YouTube Insight, publishers can analyze the viewing patterns of individual videos far more thoroughly than in the past, when only total views and
So I was just surfing over at looking at some videos about art & DaVinci (as research for my upcoming book) and then I checked the blog and guess what -- I was right on time to see the info about the new video analytics tool launch, blogged by Joyce Schwarz.
It's called Insight-- here's the complete memo that has posted on it's blog (scroll down below the headlines) And of course some links to headlines that go more indepth on the value of this new method js.
YouTube Reveals Video Analytics Tool for All Users (from the blog as of March 26, 2008) js
Whether a YouTube video has 10 views or 10,000,000, people always want to know the same thing: who's watching this? Where do viewers come from? How did they find my video?
Finally, we have some answers. Today we're releasing YouTube Insight, a free tool that enables anyone with a YouTube account to view detailed statistics about the videos that they upload to the site. For example, uploaders can see how often their videos are viewed in different geographic regions, as well as how popular they are relative to all videos in that market over a given period of time. You can also delve deeper into the lifecycle of your videos, like how long it takes for a video to become popular, and what happens to video views as popularity peaks.
How does this help you? Well, using these metrics, you can increase your videos' view counts and improve your popularity on the site. For instance, you might learn that your videos are most popular on Wednesdays, that you have a huge following in Spain, or that new videos that play off previous content become more popular more quickly. With this information, you can concentrate on creating compelling new content that appeals to your target audiences, and post these videos on days you know these viewers are on the site. (Maybe even post your next video in Spanish?) And for those of you who are also partners, the more popular a video is, the more advertising revenue it can generate.
We'll be making new features and additional information available fairly quickly -- like a specific breakdown of how viewers discovered the video -- so keep an eye out as we roll out new features. As for now, you can find currently available metrics by clicking under the "About this Video" button under "My account > Videos, Favorites, Playlists > Manage my Videos."
The YouTube Team
i assume that most of you already know how to download videos from youtube. com manually using the get_ video. php? video_ id file. You need to view the page source and look for the video_ id. But there is a firefox addons that help you to download it much more easier. Use VideoDownloader to download it. Besides youtube. com videos, it also can download videos from Google, Metacafe, iFilm, Dailymotion, Pornotube…? and other video sites! Plus all embedded objects on a webpage (movies, mp3s, flash, quicktime, etc)! ...
Posted by: filmulete | June 21, 2008 at 11:38 AM