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    • Joycejudidench
      Here is a sample of the clients that JCOM/Joyce Schwarz provides marketing, business development and corporate positioning. A more complete list is on the website or you can email [email protected] or call Joyce @ 310-822-3119 to get an album of a specific vertical area of expertise including Travel/Tourism, Entertainment, Packaged Goods, Technology, Emerging Tech, Special Events & more.

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    March 27, 2008


    i assume that most of you already know how to download videos from youtube. com manually using the get_ video. php? video_ id file. You need to view the page source and look for the video_ id. But there is a firefox addons that help you to download it much more easier. Use VideoDownloader to download it. Besides youtube. com videos, it also can download videos from Google, Metacafe, iFilm, Dailymotion, Pornotube…? and other video sites! Plus all embedded objects on a webpage (movies, mp3s, flash, quicktime, etc)! ...

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