Digital Hollywood , Hollywood, California
Thurs, May 8th. 2:15 PM - 3:30 PM for more info email: [email protected] and talk with moderator Joyce Schwarz personally.
The Widget Economy: The Information, Advertising, Next Generation Digital Consumer Experience
Now there is a new expression, The Widget Economy.
Don't miss the WIDGET ECONOMY workshop on Thurs, May 8 at Digital Hollywood moderated by Joyce Schwarz, for more info email: [email protected].
For the uninitiated, the widget is miniature application or website that resides as a component element on a user’s desktop, social media page or mobile device. A button on a user desktop may open multiple widgets, so that in a flash, mini-apps open on the desktop to reveal up-to-the minute stocks, the weather, airline arrivals, a dictionary, your photo album – virtually anything, any data type - can be formatted into a widget and placed on your desktop.
Once the user gets the hang of it, life without widgets is impossible.
Widgets are as addictive as email. Widgets are your mini-obsessions managed and delivered as desired. Add in a layer of commerce and you have a fully featured platform.
Watch out! Widgets are Here!
Jeff Nolan, Vice President of Software-as-a-Service, NewsGator
Steve Tomlin, CEO and Founder, Chumby
Alex Bard, President & CEO, Goowy Media
Gary Baker, founder and CEO, ClipBlast!
Jennifer Cooper, co-founder and CEO, MixerCast, Inc
Michael Dever, co-founder and Chief Energy Officer, YouChoose.net
Ken Willner, Vice President, Market Development, Zumobi
Joyce Schwarz,JCOM Emerging Entertainment Marketing,
Moderator, www.joycecom.com
For more information on the Widget Workshop, email moderator, Joyce Schwarz at: [email protected].
For more information and registration for Digital Hollywood go to www.digitalhollywood.com
A LIMITED NUMBER OF COMP PASSES are available to Joyce's workshop -- but you must get the comps from her. js.