So many men, so little's a podcast interview Joyce Schwarz, did earlier today with Nick Wilson, CTO, Break Media,
Click on the link to hear more about the following from Nick Wilson, CTO with Joyce Schwarz, author and new media expert in this podcast from Hollywood2020's blog:
*How Break Media engages male viewers 18-34..
*Why they paid out more than $1 million last year for user-generated video
*What's up with Break Media for longer form entertainment
*How you can win a coupon from Jack In the Box like blogger Joyce Schwarz did while conducting the interview!
Any questions, email me at [email protected] and I'll forward them to Nick js.
PS if you're going to Digital Hollywood on Thursday, May 8 -- don't miss the panel I'm moderating on the WIDGET ECONOMY starting at 2:15 p.m. -- email me for more info-- [email protected] and a free pass to that panel js.