FROM NEW SCIENTIST: .....Technology is being developed to allow people with severe motor disabilities to play 3D computer games like World of Warcraft using only their eyes. NewScientist is reporting that further research is progressing on new types of user input devices. Specifically, "gaze gaming",(as reported in Slashdot.
Since the 1990s, gaze technology has helped people with conditions such as motor neurone disease (MND), cerebral palsy and other "locked-in syndromes" to control 2D desktop environments and communicate using visual keyboards.
Users typically guide a cursor with their eyes, staring at objects for a time to emulate a mouse click. But that is too laborious to let users to match the speed and accuracy of real-time 3D games, says lead researcher on the project, Stephen Vickers, of De Montfort University, Leicester, UK.
His team is developing the software as part of the EU-funded project Communication by Gaze Interaction (COGAIN).
WHAT ARE THE OTHER APPS -- Joyce Schwarz brainstorms here:
1) Multi-platform usage-- easier to glance than to keyboard or 'touch' multiple screens OR other devices. Could set up equivalent of a panel on an airplane dash?
2) Airplane/navigational use-- once again the dash might be easier to use with glances.
3) No multinational -- no international keyboard symbols needed -- I can use the visual interface ivn China as well as France and not POINT OF SALE -- no input device needed.
4) Security -- combine eye tracking/gaze with biometrics?
What are your ideas??