EARLY PREVIEW VIDEO THE VISION BOARD BOOK by Joyce Schwarz, fall, 2008, www.ihavevision.org
There have been some questions lately among my twitter pals on www.twitter.com about the value of a promotional video or trailer or preview for upcoming books. Well, I'm all for it, Joyce Schwarz, author and emerging enertainment expert, www.joycecom.com. In fact look at the video I posted last January about my own book, "THE VISION BOARD" Harper Collins Publishing, fall, 2008. http://www.youtube.com/v/GosLxmQFPUE&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param
BLOGGER NOTE: As Amazon.com moves to a browser based format for it's UNBOX video rental system -- my prediction is that you'll see lots of videos about books, describing upcoming books and even DVD's packaged WITH books-- mainstream books -- not tech books or cooking books etc. BUT THEN I've been calling that 'info-tainment' since 1994 when I co-wrote the book "MULTIMEDIA: Gateway to the Next Millennium" which was an update of the MULTIMEDIA 2000 book written for the Natl. Assn. of Broadcasters. For more info email me at [email protected]
Want to see an early -- very early preview of the book THE VISION BOARD by Joyce Schwarz, Harper Collins Publishing, Collins Design-- catch this video created LAST YEAR -- yes, an oldie but goody -- we will be updating with new content as soon as the publisher gives us the okay.
Meanwhile hope you enjoy it. Or head over to the website www.ihaveavision.org. Don't forget to sign up for the newsletter and other freebies on the front of this blog at www.visionboard.fm and www.visionboard.info. Email me at: [email protected] for more info.
www.ihaveavision.org -- website for THE VISION BOARD book by Joyce Schwarz and head to the blog at www.visionboard.info