Warren Whitlock on Bacon & Eggs....Blogging the Twitter Handbook pre-release launch party and twitcast live. Warren Whitlock telling story of BACON AND EGGS -- Edward Bernays said to be founder of modern PR how Pork Producers promo'd Bacon & Eggs. Now getting questions on good breakfast. "I know what it takes to make a good breakfast -- he(Warren) says he knows because he's been eating breakfast for more than 50 years".
Warren Whitlock says wore thing than not being liked is not being noticed!
Warren Whitlock says that worse thing than not being liked is "not being noticed!" Warren is the co-author of the TWITTER HANDBOOK
He adds, "Somewhere there must be someone who thinks iPhone sucks!" .
Coach Deb says Apple came out with something that was revolutionary and new . Whole aspect that they were first to come out with touch-technology in a phone -- almost like personal computer. Great tool!
WHAT IS YOUR TWITTER BRAND? Joyce Schwarz reveals her opinion!
What is your brand for Twitter-- Deb says you have to have brand and more new followers will be attracted. For example you can find me at www.twitter.com/joycecom and also you can find my book tweets at www.twitter.com/visionboard and www.twitter.com/joyceschwarz is just parked for the future. So one twitter name for business, one twitter name for current project book THE VISION BOARD and parked is my own peronal name of course !
UPDATE SEPTEMBER 10, 2008 --podcast conversation with Coach Deb about the Twitter Handbook and their upcoming book "Twitter Revolution" here is the link.
Whitlock says that good to think in those terms of branding! Do not go out and change your name to your key words and load every post to key words and affiliates. However all those things are things you want to do somewhat. "All of us do not live in reality but perception of reality. It is okay to define who you are and who you want to be! "
Got an early peek at the TWITTER HANDBOOK -- love the cover this is the one I voted for -- perfect for merchandising spin-offs. Great starting point for learning about Twitter as an example of the future of ubiquitous presence systems! Essential reading for branding in the age of social media.
Don't forget though to tie in Twitter with other cross-platform communications! Joyce Schwarz, JCOM, www.joycecom.com, author CUTTING THE CORD: Tech TV's Guide to Going Wireless, 400 pages Pearson Publishing and emerging media new product and company launch strategist.
Schwarz has launched 75 venture funded firms since 1990 and more than 100 products for entrepreneurs and such major clients as Revlon, Sheraton Hotels, Disney, Philips Electronics, AOL & more .
See my twitter profile at www.twitter.com/joycecom for the shorter word version!
"Focus on being "more of you" Be more authentic be more of YOU! hmm totally agree and share that in my upcoming book "The Vision Board" Unlock the Secret to An Extraordinary Life http://www.ihaveavision.org .
If you want more info in general about wireless-- I wrote the TECH TV BOOK GUIDE TO GOING WIRELESS, 400 pages, Pearson Publishing, 2001 -- have eversions available as freebies for friends at least 1 chapter free! email me at [email protected].
Aloha Joyce,
Thanks for participating & for voting for your favorite cover for the Twitter Handbook.
To answer your tweet:
The Twitter Handbook was created to help Tweeters navigate the wonderful world of Twitter, and we'll be giving it as our gift to online subscribers to the blog http://TwitterHandbook.com
The published book is called Twitter Revolution and will be available in bookstores everywhere as of Oct 15th, and Amazon. We'll announce the special things we'll be doing for those who place their order early through the blog.
Great Tweeting you!
Posted by: CoachDeb | September 03, 2008 at 05:45 PM
I shared your post with my army of toy soldiers as we enjoyed a hearty breakfast
Posted by: Warren Whitlock | August 31, 2008 at 08:07 AM