For more info go to: http://bloggersschool.blogspot.com/2008/10/intervi ew-with-joyce-schwarz-creator-of.html
Author Joyce Schwarz forecasts what's next on Blog Talk Radio interview with host John A. Ciampa,founder Blogger School.

For more info about Joyce Schwarz interview on Blogger School show on blogtalkradio hosted by John A Ciampa, go to
Be sure to tune into this popular online talk radio show to hear author and host John A. Ciampa to discover:
1) how creating a Vision Board and the ancient art of visioning can empower you to eralize your dreams of being paid to be a full time blogger
2) how to use your blog effectively to promo your business
3) why your blog may be the stepping stone to the next stage of your life not just your career!
THURSDAY, October 16, Listen to Joyce Schwarz, emerging media marketing guru and author of THE VISION BOARD, Collins Design, an imprint of Harper Collins,
TUNE IN at 8 pm EST and 5 p.m. PST at:at:http://www.blogtalkradio.com/bloggersschool
Props to host John Ciampa for the great work he's doing educating the next-generation of bloggers and citizen journalists!

For a free copy of THE VISION BOARD newsletter go to www.visionboard.info. To see the book's website go to www.ihaveavision.org and click on the tabs on the bottom of the page. To email Joyce Schwarz: [email protected]
Hi Joyce thank you so much for all your help and your coming on the show was the work of god. Happy Holidays and best wishes in life, family, and all your offline and online businesses you work hard and have a ton of knowledge that really helps people in a way only an Angel can.
Posted by: John | December 13, 2008 at 05:59 PM