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    • Joycejudidench
      Here is a sample of the clients that JCOM/Joyce Schwarz provides marketing, business development and corporate positioning. A more complete list is on the website or you can email [email protected] or call Joyce @ 310-822-3119 to get an album of a specific vertical area of expertise including Travel/Tourism, Entertainment, Packaged Goods, Technology, Emerging Tech, Special Events & more.

    « The Vision Board: Case study in how to get $1/4 Million promo for your book in 30 days or less! | Main | MOTRINGATE TWITTER MOMS VS MOTRIN GETTING HOTTER 1st blog to call agency rep »

    November 16, 2008


    Thanks for the due diligence, this is excellent info. Not only does the number of marketers completely oblivious to Twitter amaze me, but the number of men in creative director and marketing positions who continue to be flat out unwilling to admit they do not understand how to connect to women is mind boggling. To be honest I feel just as strong about the VW MLS webisodes. The male CD on that project felt that people would find the "scatterbrained, leave your kids on the side of the road, soccer mom portrayal" as "endearing." Go figure.

    It's one thing to know in theory that we're living in a flat world where media consumers have an unprecedented ability to affect change, but it's another to see this in action.

    Thank you for adding another interesting facet to this unfolding story.

    P.S. It's not just moms who value baby carriers.
    Doctor, Mountain Climber, Daddy, Baby Carrier

    Nice write up. I also posted an article regarding this. Great call calling Taxi.


    Thanks so much for getting involved and for being proactive by alerting Lisa Sanders. As a babywearing mom of four I am insulted and upset by BOTH video.

    As a marketer, I can only wonder what kind of testing they did prior to releasing and what kind of damage control they are going to do now.

    I have a master list of bloggers I'm doing and it is growing by the minute! Next ad they run they should consider running it by some actual Moms (or Dads) first!

    Great Post.


    See the followup post I did on this blog at Thanks for your input !

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