Boy, it's getting exciting NOW -- author Joyce Schwarz The Vision Board: The Secret to an Extraordinary Life will be appearing at the ultra-cool popculture festival South By Southwest March 13 @ 5 p.m. to read from her book THE VISION BOARD and yes show some real -life vision boards so that all of the filmmakers, musicians and interactive wizards can re-ignite their own visions using the ancient concept of visioning that dates back to Cave Man era!
Here's the post in the blog promoting SXSW 09 and author Joyce Schwarz reading on Friday, March 13 -- the perfect day for a little something beyond the ordinary!
7 hours ago by hugh
Do you want to learn how to create a visual map for your life, your project and your future?SXSW Interactive News RSS Feed -
Do you want to learn how to create a visual map for your life, your project and your future?SXSW Interactive News RSS Feed -
The Vision Board book by Joyce Schwarz which has hit the #1 spiritual bestseller spot many times since it's release in 11/08 is available on @ where you can also see 20 free pages.
PLUS calls to Austin show that there are some books at the Borders Bookstore in downtown Austin who is busy ordering more and calls are in from several other Austin area new age stores who are stocking the book in advance of the 3/13/09 reading by author Joyce Schwarz.
is available in more than 6,000 bookstores and Target stores nationally and in Costco stores throughout Canada. Author Joyce Schwarz will be reading and signing books @ the South by Southwest Festival on 3/13/09 on the main stage next to the exhibits area @ 5 pm email her for advance interviews or for meetings @ the show: [email protected]
You can see the book's website @ and sign up for the free newsletter at the book's blog @
PS Don't miss a full page interview with author Joyce Schwarz about the FUTURE OF TV in this week's print issue of TV GUIDE now on the newsstands Feb 16 through the end of this month.