By Joyce Schwarz, covering the new media industry with more than 300 articles & 6 books since 1990.
I spent about 45 minutes looking at the agenda and looking up bios on speakers at the OMMA conference sponsored by Media Post in Hollywood Monday and Tuesday of this week.
Cory Treffiletti, President/ Managing Director, Catalyst:SF who has been on several of my panels @ Digital Hollywood is the emcee for his conference. Media Post the conference organizers call this OMMA Global because it covers several of their peer groups in these categories. You can see more about the event at: OMMA --registration info
Online Media, Marketing & Advertising: My call on it is that OMMA is worth going especially on Tuesday when I see lots of new players who are creating what just may be a new playing field for OMMA which stands for Online Media, Marketing & Advertising. Because of course it's not just online now that matters -- it's beyond the box or with the new boxes that are coming this year that will create the next-generation of Broadband and Internet video distribution anywhere, anytime & anyplace. Which is something I've been talking about for 15 years.
Monday -- is a good overview for anyone new to the industry with Comscore, Mahalo and several of the top OMMA agencies speaking.
Tuesday -- looks the most fascinating with some of the new players who are taking media beyond the box -- into mobile & next-gen broadband etc.
Tuesday, March 24 speakers include:
Bob Brown, Senior Manager, Marketing Communications, Nissan North America | ||||||
Kristi Vandenbosch, President, TEQUILA USA
KEYNOTE: CAN CONVERSATION MARKETING SAVE THE WEB: John Battelle, Founder and CEO, Federated Media Publishing
Hollywood2020 will be reporting back with additional info from Tuesday's sessions. If you attended today (Monday, email me at joyceschwarz (at) with your comments. THANKS!