WNBA Reading blog post by Joyce Schwarz. It was my honor and pleasure to appear on the slate of impressive WNBA (Women's National Book Associaiton) Los Angeles Chapter event called WNBA Reads Its Own at the MPTF Woodland Hills campus Saturday,June 12.
Here are a selection of pictures from the event ENJOY!
Collage ofphotos from the Women's National Book Assn, event at the Motion Picture & Television Fund Woodland Hills campus on June 12, 2010 blogger Joyce Schwarz, best-selling author of THE VISION BOARD book is shown lower lift and lower left center is her book THE VISION BOARD. More info on photos to follow. www.hollywood2020.net
Joyce Schwarz, author, THE VISION BOARD book made this collage of her reading at the WNBA (Women's Natl. Book Association, LA Chapter) event at the Motion Picture & Television Fund Campus in Woodland Hills California on June 12, 2010. Thanks WNBA for a great day!