by Joyce Schwarz, emerging media and technology consultant blogging at
After Netflix joined the S&P 500 replacing New York Times you may be wondering what's next?
To preview iHollywood's 8th Annual Digital Media Summit at UCLA sign up on Thursday, December 16, interviewed Michael Stroud who talks about the role of disruptive technology and transformed business models. Stroud also reviews the agenda in the podcast and reviews the long list of the wide-ranging blend of VIP's from Hollywood, SIlicon Valley and Madison avenue who will be on the dais.
Keynote speakers for Digital Media Summit set for December 16 at UCLA are Joanne Burne, EVP, Fox TV and Christopher T. Carey, EVP, Paramount Pictures. sign up here
****Cable and broadcast TV must face Google TV, Roku, Apple TV and other purveyors of on-demand content.
****The movie business must face the fact its movies are as easily pirated via the web and emerging TV platforms as music was in previous years.
****Console games must contend with iPad apps, Facebook games like Zinga and the mass emergence of social gaming.
****Music is considering previously unthinkable options like mandatory licensing.
****Newspapers and magazines must find their way in a new world of newsPads and apps.
Digital Media Summit Site: sign up here Agenda: go to
NOTE will be on location to cover the event for an upcoming column.