by Joyce Schwarz reporting LIVE from the LICENSING EXPO in Vegas.
MEMO TO readers -- yes, Joyce Schwarz REALLY was in Vegas to cover the Licensing Expo at the Mandalay Bay. Joyce is shown here with her new dude. See blog for more trends and pix from the LICENSING EXPO '11 and read about Joyce's 5 TRENDS FOR THE FUTURE OF LICENSING.
Hallway as you enter LICENSING EXPO '11 fascinating to see glass display cases with promo for upcoming TV series and favorites like DANCING WITH THE STARS right next to new VIDEO GAMES and Mobile Apps...welcome to the world of TRANSMEDIA! photo by Joyce Schwarz for
Maybe the strangest on-screen shot that found in our camera after returning from LICENSING EXPO '11 in Vegas. -- finally figured out it's from CALL OF DUTY MODERN WARFARE 3 Due out in November, 2011 see: photo courtesy of
MATTEL exhibit was closed to anyone except invitees at the LICENSING EXPO in Vegas - guess that was to keep out all the BRATZ: Photo courtesy of
As noted earlier, Licensing Expo '11 looked at first glance like a cross between NATPE and SHOWEST conferences -- BIG Hollywood Names, CAA, WMA agents and most of the rest either licensing agents or agencies like BEANSTALK..photocourtesy of
After 2 hours of touring the show on the final day with our cameras (still camera and video --watch for our 15 minute LIVE video tour later this week on we felt like the pink guy in the pix. RAPID FIRE..get ready, aim, shoot the movie, video game or TV special-- series seem to be old hat at the new LICENSING EXPO 11, photo by
SONY -- Ghostbusters 3 coming soon from SONY -- I call this trend BACK TO THE FUTURE -- repurposing or revitalizing a back catalog with new purposes, content, apps and of course sequels and prequels by Joyce Schwarz,
FOR MORE INFORMATION and 5 trends on the FUTURE OF LICENSING< email: joyceschwarz(at) Schwarz is a Media Futurist who wrote many of the early books and articles on Digital Media starting in 1992. As a former major ad exec who combines a masters degree in film with 20 years in new and digital media and TRANSMEDIA, she has sorked with such major brands as Sanrio, Disney, SONY, NEWLINE, Sunkist,, Sheraton Hotels, Princess Cruises, AOL, MOTLEY FOOL, and more than 75 venture funded start-ups. See and her profile on Linked in at:
Pictured above are just some of Joyce's 7 different books published by major publishers. You can see her latest book at and preview it at http:/