by Joyce Schwarz, blogging at
After researching the arena of what's next in immersing consumers into experiences with technology and content, media futurist and Hollywood entertainment consultant Joyce Schwarz, JCOM, has identified five different keys to immersion:
#1 = HAPTICS -- touch Since immersion really means total sensory involvement, Schwarz believes that touch is one of the highest levels of immersion that we humans crave. Haptics literally means touch so that gets the number one spot.
#2=CREATE EXPERIENCES not just content or technology. Great technology is seamless you just don't know it's there. Great content is about feelings not words or pictures. So the key is easily identifiable from the question -- experience is the ultimate way to communicate to all of the senses
#3=APP-Cessories for the App Nation -- right now everyone has gone 'ap' so these little bytes of content and mini-experiences that flow that connect us for fun or info or just to waste time are a great key to immersion. Now if there were a way to link them together -- oops I guess that's now called the device or the screen of choice, right? .
#4=MULTIPLE ENTRY (TOUCH POINTS) --the new consumer demands access anywhere 24/7 and not just on the phone or iPad but on multiple touchpoints. Think of doors, windows, portals, tunnels etc And of course when one door close, a window can open but you sure better make it immersive in the hallway! Beyond gamification--think more of action sports experiences -- where you can climb, bike, swim, dive and even bungee jump into the action!
Key#5 Make the ordinary extraordinary (or maybe even the other way around) Think about it what if you could take a trip to the mooon every day. WIth the increasing popularity and advanced technology of simulated environments-- you may be able to add just that experience to your playroom or even who knows your bedroom. Weightlessness -- ahh sounds good going into the holiday season!
SEE BELOW THE FULL PRESENTATION JOYCE SCHWARZ created for Digital Hollywood, email: joyceschwarz(at)digitalhollywood for more info and talk to Joyce about consulting and speaking for your company, group and conference!