BY JOYCE SCHWARZ blogging at More and more celebrities are coming out with their Vision Boards (collages of visuals that serve as inspirational maps for living your best possible life and include defining images, power words, affirmations and more according to the bestselling book THE VISION BOARD by Joyce Schwarz from Harper Collins Publishing) See a free chapter at: (click on see inside).
At the Vision Board Institute, we know the names of dozens and dozens of celebs who believe in Vision Boards and use them to co-create their lives, careers and the best in their relationships. Among the celebrities we've featured before are Christina Aguilara, Marisa Petroro, NBC's Deal or No Deal Briefcase model and actress now appearing in DEXTER on SHOWTIME and Aras Baskaskas, the CBS Winner of SURVIVOR.
That's why we were so interested when we spotted a version of Celebrity Courtney Love's Vision Board for 2012 at Here's a picture of her board (really just a white board with lettering on it) so it's more like Manifesto or a combo Vision-Mission Statement.

Here's an overview of Celebrity Courtney Love's 2012 Vision Board/White board that includes a mission statement and her top 4 goals for 2012 along with some affirmations. Bestselling author of THE VISION BOARD BOOK, Joyce Schwarz comments, "Courtney's Vision for 2012 would be 1000 percent stronger and more vivid by adding defining images - pictures that jump out at her and guide her like GPS signs to keep on track.
Over at the Vision Board Institute, bestselling author Joyce Schwsarz zoomed in closer on Courtney Love's White Board which is serving as her Vision Board for 2012 and found these four top goals including: 1) Earn $25 Milliion 2) Purchase two properties, 3) Get a great lawyer and 4) get justice for the governance and 4) Get a great movie role. Also on the board but not totally visible is her dream of OSCAR 2013.

AFFIRMATIONS: All of that is accented postively by her great affirmations which are very stron accoding to Vision Board author Schwarz -- she really gets it -- you can see that she is a veteran in visioning as she writes, " I AM FUN, I AM JOY, I AM DETERMINATION, I AM LOVING -- she's not wishy washy and saying I want to be loved etc or am loving more Love is coming to me etc. She takes the personal responsibility and assumes that the future is already in progress which it is by saying I AM DETERMINATION. So her affirmations are top notch.

Above,See Courtney Love's strong affirmations from her Vision Board that would be even more effective if they were pictured with defining images of the goals for her 2013 year says Joyce Schwarz, author of the bestselling book THE VISION BOARD, Harper Collins Publishing,
MAKEOVER OF COURTNEY LOVE'S VISION BOARD because we know how busy Courtney is, Joyce Schwarz founder of the Vision Board Institute did a complimentary makeover for Courtney for her vision board for 2012. Schwarz talks about what she did to turn Courtney's dreams and wishes into true visions for 2012 below the new picture of the MAKEOVER VISION BOARD:

To make celebrity Courtney Love's simple white board with wishes and dreams and goals come to live, The Vision Board book author Joyce Schwarz did the following in creating a strong 4-color Vision Board that looks like what else -- a large flat screen so appropriate for a celebrity. Here are the steps that Joyce Schwarz took to make Courtney Love's Vision Board stronger:
1. Placed a picture of Courtney in the Center of the Vision Board with a Star around her -- so she'd stand out and realize she is a star no matter what the media says. "Everyone should do this explains, author Schwarz because a) it helps you OWN your vision board and b) you are immersed virtually into your vision! THIS IS A BIG difference from the way most people simply cut and paste pictures onto poster boards and only really design collages.

2) Search for what Schwarz calls "DEFINING IMAGES" pictures that will jump out and strike Courtney's eye when she sees them throughout the day and night. Schwarz explains that by focusing in on 6-8 strong images or photos, your mind's eye absorbs the power of the colors and design and integrates them into your psyche. Sure you can do an overview board with a hundred or so images but do that to get all that stuff off your mind so you can zero in and focus on 4 key visions or goals.
MULTIPLE STREAMS OF INCOME: In Courtney Love's makeover, Schwarz chose a $25 Million dollar bill to envision Courtney's goal of earning $25 Million in 2012. Schwarz reminds Courtney and the rest of us that there's no need to put the word "EARN" in there because we're sure that Courtney would be thrilled to "WIN" the money or have it "given" to her.
The Vision Board book author Joyce Schwsarz reminds you "Don't limit your financial goals/dreams to earning -- multiple streams of income are better then just one for all of us whether we're celebrities or not." Who knows maybe Courtney is able to barter a new house or property with a real estate company in turn for doing some commercials -- that already takes care of par to fone of her other dreams of buying two properties
ACADEMY AWARD: Since Courtney Love wrote on her white board the words "Oscar 2013", in doing Love's MADEOVER VISION BOARD, Joyce added the year 2013 and Courtney Love's name to the base of the Oscar and surrounded it with glitter and glam befitting Love's style.
If you're in the movie biz or watch TV chances are you've seen a film placard like this used by directors during production. In making over Courtney Love's Vision Board so it comes to life and isn't just a plain White Board with letter, Bestselling author Joyce Schwarz added Director sign like this but then personalized it with the phrase "STARRING COURTNEY LOVE" now we can't guarantee Courtney a "GREAT" movie that's up to her and the script but it sure is fun for her to see her name in lights!
HARD TO PICTURE GOALS? Some goals like Courtney Love's desire to find a great lawyer are often hard for people creating Visoin Boards to find pictures of or it seems to unglamorous so that they leave off these important GOALS or what Joyce Schwarz calls stepping stones to her vision. To picture the lawyer rather than choosing a picture of a famous law firm, Schwrz chose the dictionary excerpt about attorney. It's strong and it's a reminder that Courtney Love can find a lawyer that will be on her side in good and bad.
ADD YOUR AFFIRMATIONS -- although Schwarz explains that affirmations don't have to be affixed to your Vision Board they can be something you read off of an index card or have embedded in your mobile phone text messages, some affirmations like Courtney Love's are so powerful it's fun to put them in a sparkly Hollywood font and add them to the VISION BOARD. They provide a focus for your eye and they add glimmer and glam to the board.
ADD EMBELLISHMENTS -- to really add a POW! look to the Vision Board for Courtney Love, Schwarz topped it off with a dusting of shiny white stars, and swirls of color. Tasteful and fun (one of Courtney's affirmations) and of course COLORFUL which fits Courtney Love's personality.
ATTENTION OTHER CELEBRITIES: We hope that Courtney Love enjoys her Vision Board Makeover and we're delighted to do the same for any celebrity or VIP that tweets us @visionboard on pending time availability.
For the rest of you, be sure to check out to find the name and email for one of our more than 150 Certified Vision Board Coaches around the globe. Make sure that your Vision Board class instructor or coach is Certified after all you wouldn't go to a Yoga instructor or chiropractor who had no training would you?
VISION BOARD PRESS INTERVIEWS with author Joyce Schwarz, THE VISION BOARD book -- to set up an interview with Joyce Schwarz, bestselling author of THE VISION BOARD book which has almost 100,000 copies, email her at: [email protected] or call her office directly at 310-822-3119
Joyce Schwarz does interviews and presentations (workshops and keynotes) on such topics as:
***Why Vison Boards are much stronger to use then New Year's Resolutins
***Why Celebriteis love vision boards and who has the best ones
***How to create a vision statement versus a Mission Statement and what is the difference.
***What is Visioning and why is it the crucial first step in the Vision Board creation process
***What do you do after you've made your vision board to activate it?
***What is the LAW OF ATTRACTION and is it just hocus pocus or is there science behind it
To see and listen to more than 30 hours of free videos, radio shows and podcasts on visioning and living an extraordinary life, go to To see more than 300 articles and podcasts on vision board creation go to the official blog at