Hear motivational speaker and business woman Tana Goertz, finalist from Donald Trump's show THE APPRENTICE talk about overcoming obstacles and staying to your vision during a free conference call on Tuesday, February 7 at 1 pm.
Call is the first in a series previewing the new bestselling book and media series HEART OF SUCCESS to be published this spring and produced by bestselling author, producer and career strategy coach Joyce Schwarz, www.joycecom.com, www.heartofsuccess.tv
Tana Goertz from THE APPRENTICE is now a co-author for the new bestselling book and media series HEART OF SUCCESS for more info see www.heartofsuccess.tv and join us for a free teleworkshop with Tana on February 7 at 1 pm EST email: joyceschwarz(at)gmail.com for more detials.
Fantastic post. People should read this.
Posted by: Canape | February 20, 2012 at 12:01 AM