Joyce Schwarz, author and media futurist, is depicted as part of a TV set in the above photo. But more likely Schwarz says is TV that customizes itself for you. Schwarz coined the phrase "CUSTOM-TAINMNET" back in 1994 in the textbook she edited and co-wrote for Harcourt Brace, "MULTIMEDIA: Gateway to the Next Millenium".
by Joyce Schwarz, blogging at, as I prepare to go to two summits on Weds:
and TV GOES SOCIAL at the same location (co-located) in Santa Monica -- I'm challenging you and the industries of publishing, music, film, TV, telecommunications and education to join me in looking at a broader view than what these two conferences seem to be covering --what really is the future of MEDIA -- not just 'tainment (entertainment, info-tainment, edu-tainment etc).
Here's a peek at what the Feb 22 conferences will show:
TV GOES SOCIAL -- is set to look at some top of mind concerns and opportunities as these agenda items:
****How the Web is Won – with Social TV: Case Studies: Winners in the New Social TV Race Talk about Lessons Learned
***The Spot Heard Around the World:Social TV Advertising and Marketing Takes You to Places no Ads Have Been Before.
***Curated TV:The Impact of Celebrity, Expert, Influencer, and Ambassador Curation when exploring and consuming content
***Genre Benders Social TV Takes Existing Genres to New Levels of Audience Participation
and a special session on ***Social TV Market Overview
****Games -- the stickiest stuff on Facebook is games-- I can't imagine anything more social then playing a game with your pals. Sure we'll probably see game apps at the conference -- but what about immersive experiences say something like Xbox kinect TV series or reality series where we can compete or assist the AMAZING RACE through some kind of geo-located activity? RFID and GPS make it possible now.
****LOCAL -- 90 percent of advertising is LOCAL and yet most of us still have little if any coverage of our local geographic area (within 5-10 miles) unless a disaster happens right next door.
***GAMBLING -- GTE (remember them before Verizon took over) had great success with gambling -- and almost every geographic area across the USA has a Casino now. I realize Internet gambling is illegal-- but what kind of tie in with Casinos is possible or even a state lottery? Not just apps that connect you to your ESPN virtual team or a Fantasy football league. WHY can't we be IN the casino when we're not there?
***NOOK, KINDLE FIRE and cross platform interfaces that make reading and watching simultaneously come alive -- especially for our kids. Sure Hasbro and Leapfrog and other companies have stand-alone systems but turn that homework into a game. Years ago I worked with a firm that produced an interactive bible with video and more -- how perfect for Sunday morning -- to go beyond Joel Osteen's sermon on the stage.
***FEELINGS -- remembering that people don't watch TV or videos or films just to see moving pix anymore -- we watch to feel something -- horror, excitement, surprise etc SO what about systems that sense my mood (AI or IA) and deliver media to match or even make me happy
(see this blogger's 2-page interview in TV GUIDE)(BELOW on HAPPY TV)