DURING A SPECIAL VIP PANEL AT THE LOVE EVENT AT THE SHERATON GATEWAY HOTEL LAX, BEST SELLING AUTHOR JOYCE SCHWARZ, wwww.joyceschwarz.com revealed the best days and time to fine love on Facebook as part of her preview for her new site www.loveboard.info .
Joyce Schwarz, bestelling author THE VISION BOARD book, 100,000 copies sold, published by Harper Collins Publishing, see www.visionboardinstitute.com to become a Certified Vision Board Coach.
Schwarz who heads JCOM Marketing & Business Development has written 6 books and more than 300 articles on marketing and content on the Internet, wireless and beyond. She heads JCOM located in Marina Del Rey, CA,http://www.jcombusinessdevelopment.com
MOST ACTIVE TIMES FOR CONVERSATION ON FACEBOOK:: 11 am, 3 pm and 8 am ET, WITH BIGGEST Spike at 3 pm ET on Weekdays
THREE BIGGEST USAGE SPIKES ON FACEBOOK: Schwarz reveals that according to a recent article on Mashable.com, "The three biggest usage spikes tend to occur on weekdays at 11:00 a.m., 3:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. ET." She adds that it's good to know that, "The biggest spike occurs at 3:00 p.m. ET on weekdays And Joyce explains that" Weekday usage is pretty steady, however Wednesday at 3:00 pm ET is consistently the busiest period. Fans are less active on Sunday compared to all other days of the week."
FOR BRANDS wishing to talk to Facebook followers mornings are 39 percent more effective according to a recent study by social media agency Virtue, Schwarz reveals.
Bestselling author, Schwarz reveals that: according to a new study by Facebook, if you want to get into a relationship, then Valentine’s Day and Christmas are the best days to find love. Schwarz is posting this information to her blog www.visionboard.info and to her newest site www.loveboard.info
How did they find this out? .Facebook used the U.S. Facebook data from 2010 and 2011, and looked at how different times of the year affect the beginning and ending of relationships.
Facebook data team started tabulating the changes from a non-coupled relationship status, like “Single” or “Divorced,” to a coupled status, like “In a relationship” or “Engaged.” The team then compared that figure against the number of changes in the other direction, from coupled to non-coupled, to calculate the net percentage change.
Schwarz dug deeper and found that: 4% more Facebook users entered into a couple status in December 2011 than left it, a net gain for romance.On February 14, the Valentine’s Day, there were almost 50 percent more relationships created than breakups.Christmas Holidays was also a great period for new relationships with 34 percent more relationships than breakups reported on December 25 and 28 percent more on December 24.
APRIL IS NO FOOL: Another day which showed a net change towards relationship is the 1st of April. This day saw 20% more relationship initiations than splits. But since the day coincides with April Fool’s Day; hence not surprisingly, many of these appear to be short-lived; with April 2nd getting the distinction of the year’s most extreme day in terms of Singlehood, with 11% more break-ups than new relationships.
Top Days for finding Love on FACEBOOK: Valentine’s Day,
December 24,December 25
AFTER THE WEEKEND -- most likely to start a relationship:
People on Facebook were more likely to start a relationship after the weekend and more likely to break up with someone towards the end of the week.The summer months of May through August were not particularly good to mingle. Reported relationships were much lower during these months compared to the rest of the year.NOTE: Facebook notes that there is a margin of error in its results as many people may choose to hide their relationship status from friends after a breakup rather than changing it.
HOW BIG IS ONLINE DATING? Schwarz explains that: The current online dating industry is worth 3 billion world wide. Last year 17% of people that got married met online which is a dramatic increase from recent years. Facebook has 500 million users compared to Match.com's 15 million.
Your ‘Profile Photo’ is perhaps the most important aspect of Facebook dating, so make sure its a good one. Photos of you alone, looking directly into the camera and smiling do the best. I
If your ‘Relationship Status’ is set to ‘Single’, you increase your chances of someone finding because the information is available for discovery.
Listing your full birthday is also recommended, age is important to some people and getting this out of the way stops wasting everyone’s time.
ADS: A surprising number of people are using Facebook's ads to launch surgical dating strikes on Facebook users.
Schwarz who heads JCOM Marketing & Business Development has written 6 books and more than 300 articles on marketing and content on the Internet, wireless and beyond. She heads JCOM located in Marina Del Rey, CA,http://www.jcombusinessdevelopment.com
MOST ACTIVE TIMES FOR CONVERSATION ON FACEBOOK:: 11 am, 3 pm and 8 am ET, WITH BIGGEST Spike at 3 pm ET on Weekdays
THREE BIGGEST USAGE SPIKES ON FACEBOOK: Schwarz reveals that according to a recent article on Mashable.com, "The three biggest usage spikes tend to occur on weekdays at 11:00 a.m., 3:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. ET." She adds that it's good to know that, "The biggest spike occurs at 3:00 p.m. ET on weekdays And Joyce explains that" Weekday usage is pretty steady, however Wednesday at 3:00 pm ET is consistently the busiest period. Fans are less active on Sunday compared to all other days of the week."
FOR BRANDS wishing to talk to Facebook followers mornings are 39 percent more effective according to a recent study by social media agency Virtue, Schwarz reveals.
Bestselling author, Schwarz reveals that: according to a new study by Facebook, if you want to get into a relationship, then Valentine’s Day and Christmas are the best days to find love. Schwarz is posting this information to her blog www.visionboard.info and to her newest site www.loveboard.info
How did they find this out? .Facebook used the U.S. Facebook data from 2010 and 2011, and looked at how different times of the year affect the beginning and ending of relationships.
Facebook data team started tabulating the changes from a non-coupled relationship status, like “Single” or “Divorced,” to a coupled status, like “In a relationship” or “Engaged.” The team then compared that figure against the number of changes in the other direction, from coupled to non-coupled, to calculate the net percentage change.
Schwarz dug deeper and found that: 4% more Facebook users entered into a couple status in December 2011 than left it, a net gain for romance.On February 14, the Valentine’s Day, there were almost 50 percent more relationships created than breakups.Christmas Holidays was also a great period for new relationships with 34 percent more relationships than breakups reported on December 25 and 28 percent more on December 24.
APRIL IS NO FOOL: Another day which showed a net change towards relationship is the 1st of April. This day saw 20% more relationship initiations than splits. But since the day coincides with April Fool’s Day; hence not surprisingly, many of these appear to be short-lived; with April 2nd getting the distinction of the year’s most extreme day in terms of Singlehood, with 11% more break-ups than new relationships.
Top Days for finding Love on FACEBOOK: Valentine’s Day,
December 24,December 25
AFTER THE WEEKEND -- most likely to start a relationship:
People on Facebook were more likely to start a relationship after the weekend and more likely to break up with someone towards the end of the week.The summer months of May through August were not particularly good to mingle. Reported relationships were much lower during these months compared to the rest of the year.NOTE: Facebook notes that there is a margin of error in its results as many people may choose to hide their relationship status from friends after a breakup rather than changing it.
HOW BIG IS ONLINE DATING? Schwarz explains that: The current online dating industry is worth 3 billion world wide. Last year 17% of people that got married met online which is a dramatic increase from recent years. Facebook has 500 million users compared to Match.com's 15 million.
Your ‘Profile Photo’ is perhaps the most important aspect of Facebook dating, so make sure its a good one. Photos of you alone, looking directly into the camera and smiling do the best. I
If your ‘Relationship Status’ is set to ‘Single’, you increase your chances of someone finding because the information is available for discovery.
Listing your full birthday is also recommended, age is important to some people and getting this out of the way stops wasting everyone’s time.
ADS: A surprising number of people are using Facebook's ads to launch surgical dating strikes on Facebook users.
1) Create a Love Vision Board see details at http://www.loveboard.info
2) Pick potential partners you wish you'd gotten to know better, not old lovers you already felt you knew too well.
3) Think nostalgia, not recent history.
4) Think outside the county line. Facebook is worldwide
5) It's never to late to track down an ex.
FOR more information about having Joyce Schwarz, bestselling author THE VISION BOARD book speak to your group or organization, email joyceschwarz(at)gmail.com, To see more about becoming a Certified Vision Board Coach go to www.visionboardinstitute.com