by Joyce Schwarz, blogging at on April 2, 2012....As the National Assn for Broadasters annual convention approaches, I took time to looki back to April, 1992 when I was assigned to write an extensive article called HOLLYWOOD2000 for INFOCUS magazine -- now part of FILM & VIDEO Magazine.
Thought you might appreciate seeing the opening paragarph:
In April, 1992 Joyce Schwarz wrote:
"Telcos, fiber optics, CDs, interactive devices, Direct TV, PPV, laptop video and a kaleidoscope of other new vistas are flash-forwarding Hollywood into a new cyberspace era of virtual reality. The 20-inch tube of yesteryear's TV is morphing into a pulsating video wall and home theater pastiche of personal, portable and palmtop hardware. Hundreds of new TV stations, cable networks and satelite dellivery systems fuel a schedule of live programming and visual and audio "custom-tainment" fo rhome, car, office and mall, 24 nervejangling, mindsoothing, cellshocking interactive hours of every day of our future. ....
for a full copy of the article or to invite Joyce Schwarz to speak to your group about what's next heading into Hollywood2020, contact her directly at joyceschwarz(at)
left, sampling of articles Joyce Schwarz has written projecting and forecasting the future of the new Hollywood since she started writing about that topic in 1991. For more info see: or contact her directly at joyceschwarz(at)