In promoting the opening of celebrity Bob Dylan's exhibition of drawings at the Butler Art Institute in Youngstown, Ohio, did a survey whether peeps reading the article thought the art was what Joyce Schwarz calls "real vs reel" meaning is it just vanity artwork or are the drawings really great.
See below, pix of artist Bob Dylan in his studio provided by the Butler Art Institute in Youngstown, Ohio
So they asked: Can Bob Dylan draw?
And the results as of the morning of the opening of the Dylan Exhibit are seen in the graph below. They show that 47.36 percent of respondents thought "these are great drawings". Another 36.75 percent say "no these are mediocre and about 16 percent chose as their response "I need to see them in person to decide"...............
At Hollywood2020, we like the drawings and in fact, we're working on a whole book on what else, "CELEBRITY ART" -- see our page on this at Facebook like Celebrity Art Museum page on facebook