Tech companies have often been referred to as green before -- but usuall it's green with envy at what their competitors are doing, blogged by Joyce Schwarz,, author & analyst, emerging tech. But this time -- the green refers to ecology and sustainability.
That's why it will be fascinating to watch The Green Technology World Conference (Sept 11 & 12 at the LA Convention Center) being organized by TMC and as a complement to TMC's IT EXPO WEST now in progress. The event bills itself as the premier event educating about technologies, essential issues and trends that enable companies to operate more efficiently. You can register for this conference for FREE -- that's right the whole conference-- absolutely brilliant idea! Here is the link: Register today and join us tomorrow!
The Green Technology World™ Web site educates readers about technologies, essential issues, and trends that enable companies to operate more efficiently, thereby creating a positive impact on both their businesses and the environment.
EMERALD & CLOVER SPONSORS -- I have to give some props to TMC's sponsorship team for naming their VIP level suppoerters with these clever titles: Emerald, Jade & Clover are the titles instead of the usual Platinum, Gold, Silver etc.
KEYNOTE: got contacted by the PR firm for Tandberg Americas and we've asked for a transcript of the opening keynote address. Meanwhile here's some info on what's expected:
TANDBERG’S Rick Snyder to Keynote
Tuesday, September 11, 2007, 9:30 a.m. Pacific Time Zone
TANDBERG’s AmericasPresident, Rick Snyder is expected to outline a workable plan and steps firms can take to reduce their carbon footprint. During his talk he will cover:
*Visual telecommuting programs
*Best practices --replacing unnecessary travel
*Jumpstarting an environmental action plan.
As noted, we hope to get a transcript of Snyder's speech. Meanwhile, you may like to check out this link to Tandberg's online 'green manifesto' from their corportate headquarters:
TANDBERG See: green - TANDBERG ManifestoThis 'green' activity however, only marginally contributes to dealing with the ... If you agree with TANDBERG, share this manifesto with your colleagues and ... - 8k -