HAPPY JULY 4th! Of course, what else could we at Hollywood2020.blogs.com post about on this independence day than the ultimate in viral videos
--the DIET COKE & MENTOS VIDEO! BUT THIS TIME, WE REVEAL THE SECRETS -- courtesy of course of the creators at www.eepybird.com. According to the creators the video has been shown more than 4 million times and no it was not on Youtube.com -- it was distributed courtesy of Revver.com.
Revver.com :: watch!
by EepyBird 06/05/06 at 11:33 pm Views: 226213 Rating: 3.29 Runtime: 00:25 ... by EepyBird 06/03/06 at 12:07 am Views: 108548 Rating: 3.59 Runtime: 01:46 ... revver.com/user/EepyBird - 12k - Cached |
SO WHAT THE HECK DOES THEIR WEBSITE NAME MEAN? Well, we tried to find info on eepybird.com but we did not see info on why call the site that strange moniker?
We checked the urbandictionary.com and found this:
The 'mad scientists' at eepyword.com give some of the secrets that enable them to create a 'Mento-powered version" of the Bellagio Hotel Fountain, we'll share a few of them here. For more details go to: http://www.eepybird.com/science2.html
1) Make a cartridge of Mentos by stringing them together (see details at link above). They suggest a paperclip or fishing line for hooking up your Mentos!
2) Get a bottle cap (for COKE of course) and drill a hole into it! SPOILER -- different size holes will give you different size and duration of geysers! THIS IS ONE OF THE BIG SECRETS -- an 1/8 inch hole will last 30 seconds , a 1/2 inch hole only 5 seconds and a 1/4 inch hole can produce a geyser 20 foot high.
3) Drill holes in the Coke bottle itself, (my guess is they tried this with a plastic Coke bottle/not a glass bottle!)above the level of the soda. (The 'mad scientists' call this a 'crown'-- several geysers spraying out from one center.
4) USE LOTS OF MENTOS AND LOTS OF DIET COKE! The dudes at eepybird.com used 500 Mentos and 200 bottles Diet Coke-- that's about 34 six packs if my July 4th math is working!(BLOGGER NOTE -- or did they use that many-- here this article on Asia1.com says "The video, which features 523 Mentos sweets causing 101 bottles of Diet Coke .
HANDS ON SCIENCE INSTITUTE SHOWS THEIR OWN VERSION:As a tribute to their video, we gathered a few of our instructors and staff from the Hands-on Science Institute and taught viewers how to make their own trigger device. We filled the back of the SUV with 52 bottles, about 300 Mentos, a cordless drill and a pile of pipe clearners. Here’s the Spangler video at 9NEWS… (courtesy of stevespangler.com --which is a great name for a Star Spangled DAY! )
Fritz Grobe is a juggler and Stephen Voltz, a trial lawyer, met in Maine and worked in theatre together. For their video, they enlisted theatre owner Mike Miclon to operate the camera and a friend to create the soundtrack according to several reports in the press we saw.
SO WHEN DID THIS START ONLINE? The duo say they posted their video on June 3, 2006 and immediately started to see action to their site...and now MENTOS even features it on their website.
According to press reports the 'madcap duo have made around US$25,000 through an ad revenue sharing deal with online video service Revver. Plus, they may have gotten paid minimum scale to appear on Letterman and Today show and probably got free trips to NYC (it appears that they are located in Maine -- so not exactly the trip of a lifetime-- but still a BLAST -- did I say that?)
BEST PRESS COVERAGE OF THE EXPERIMENT:Mentos adds the pop to Diet Coke
Seattle Times, United States - Jul 2, 2006
By David Sharp. PORTLAND, Maine — Americans have a new way to celebrate the Fourth of July: Drop Mentos candies into 2-liter bottles ... Mentos, soda cause an Internet explosion,Tricks explode into pop (and food) culture,Mentos, Diet Coke Performance Explodes On 'Today',A fountain of fun: Mentos, Diet Coke making a big splash
PRICE TO CREAT THE TRICK! Let's assume that the duo did use 200 bottles of coke-- well, Amazon.com is showing a 6 pack of 8 oz (although usually I get 16 oz size) at: At your local convenience store a 16 oz is probably about $1.50. And a 48 oz size (if you really want to supersize could go for as much as $2.49 if you were in Siberia or somewhere! So figure 200 x 2.49 =$498.00
Coca-Cola Diet Coke, 6 Pack Of 8 fl oz Bottles, 48 fl oz Other products by Coca-Cola
*Yes, I realize it is probably cheaper at your store but just figure if you HAD to buy these 200 bottles off of Amazon.com = 83 cents or so a bottle x 200= $166 for the diet coke.
MENTOS -- $1.19 a roll -- 20 rolls at least = $25.00 max including tax -- so it could be as much as $525 unless you go to a discount store-- and of course some dude did that already (see below):
OOOPS we just saw that some dude did this on digg.com -- of course they went to Sam's club and got a deal:
by nothingx on 6/03/06
@Zopmaz "I don't think anyone knows for sure how much this cost, except for the guys that did it, but I can make a guess. Each roll of Mentos contains fourteen candies per pack (except for the sour variety which contain eleven). Let's assume for now that they used the non-sour type. The video says they used 523 Mentos total, or roughly thirty-eight rolls. Mentos can be purchased in bulk from Sam's Club, in boxes that contain 20 rolls each, for $7.79. We'll assume they bought two boxes and ate the extras that didn't get used in the video. The total price for Mentos is $15.58." |
Anything uglier or scarier then creepy.
Sheri is eepy looking. And she has fat fingers.