COCA COLA EXEC CONFIRMS SUBLYMONAL SPRITE TIE IN WITH LOST TV SHOW --- (possibly a exclusive report?) by Joyce Schwarz, Hollywood columnist and emerging entertainment consultant,
On-location at E3 ( at Thursday's conference program "In-Game and Around-Game Advertisement: What Marketers Are Looking For" the end of the session featuring some top dawgs like Dave Madden, EVP Wild Tangent, David Rubin, Unilever, Monika Madrid, Ubisoft, Brndon Berger, OgilvyInteractive and Kamer Shah, Nokia and Carol Kruse, VP Interactive Marketing, The Coca Cola Co, this blogger Joyce Schwarz asked a question about ARG's (Alternate Reality Games -- see link to Joyce's recent story on iMedia Connection: Alternate Reality Gaming 101)and directed a query to panelist Kruse(VP The Coca Cola Co.) about the LOST TV show and LOST EXPERIENCE (ARG) tie in with and she said, "Yes, it is SPRITE!" Aha just as we all thought --all of us that are getting lost and found within the new LOST ARG -- see previous blog post below or link here : LOST -- Sublymonal Madness?? that will give you 7 steps to figuring out what the heck I'm talking and blogging about.
LYMON vs lymon -- Somehow even I missed the imporance of the capitalization of the 'word' LYMON in the URL .
To be honest my post yesterday did not include that capitalization so I just updated it. BUT now it becomes clear that if you go to it's a website for the new Crispin Porter campaign for Sprite. I couldn't quite figure out why the word OBEY was in the center of the wesite -- but then I got it -- the Sprite slogan “Obey your thirst”.
Check out this link to the BRANDWEEK story Going Gets Tough, Sprite Gets Weirdthat broke on May 1 crediting Coke & Crispin Porter Miami for the new Sprite campaign-- now if I had only seen that in advance I could have figured out at least part of what was happening with click on thumbnail above to see the graphic. Then go to the site -- see the screengrab above and click on thumnail to see it better.
DO YOU HAVE THE PROOF? And guess where takes you when you click on the words DO YOU HAVE THE PROOF? Well of course, to a site of that name--see thumnail of that site here or go . Click on one of the thumbnails on that site and guess what you go to to microsites that have viral videos on the subject-- like this one (see pix below) NOTE I did check and did not see any videos like these or any ones that link to the subLYMONal campaign......note the videos do not appear to have any connection to the TV SHOW LOST or the "LOST EXPERIENCE" ARG...but if you do know that they have some connection, email me at [email protected]