Joyce Schwarz, JCOM,, author/futurist and emerging entertainment and media launch consultant will speak at the NAB (National Association of Broadcasters) 2007 conference in Las Vegas. on Monday at 2:20 p.m. in the theatre in the South Hall of the Las Vegas Convention Center, S216.
Schwarz will speak on the topic of "How to Find the Right Entertainment & Technology Vendor" on the GSAM panel Matching Your Needs to Vendor Capabilities".
According to NAB spokesman, Dennis Wharton, speaking in TV TECHNOLOGY MAGAZINE more than $50 Billion dollars in technology sales were generated during last year's NAB conference and within the next 2-3 months after the confab. months."
Schwarz explains, the television industry and broadcasters like the networks NBC, CBS, ABC, FOX TV are now partnering with online powerhouses like AOL/Time Warner, Microsoft, Google and Yahoo to bring televisioin programming cross platform to broadband and online sites. Plus TV2Go is growing as content heads to mobile phones and devices courtesy of partnerships with major carriers like Sprint, Verizon & AT&T.
"Watch for news and new technology launches at NAB from such major honchos as IBM, TIVO, Sling Media, Sony, Panasonic and other creators of next-gen tech," says Schwarz.
In her presentation, Schwarz will explain the five secrets for finding the right vendor and establishing partnerships and alliances in the entertainment technology and new media space.
4P's To Closing a Deal
She will talk about the 4P's of closing a deal including 1) Why you should buy the 'people' not just the product 2) Why price is always negotiable! 3) Why planning is crucial and 4) problem solving demands fanatical customer support.
Schwarz background includes more than $300 million in hardware and software deals in the entertainment arena. She has worked with such major content creators as Disney, New Line Cinema, ABC,, AOL, Hearst Publishing and with more than 75 venture funded start-ups who provide next-generation technology and platforms for emerging entertainment. She is best known for launching new products and companies ranging from to immersive video game solutions. She combines experience in advertising with such top agencies as Foote Cone & Belding and Ogilvy with her record as a one of the first new media strategists in the USA. Schwarz is the author of several books on new media including TECH TV's CUTTING THE CORD: Guide to Going Wireless (400 pages) and she co-wrote the first NAB (National Assn of Broadcasters book on new media called "MULTIMEDIA: 2000" back in 1993.
"Working on both sides of the fence, advising my clients how to sell new products and technology and launch new media companies while doing deals with major networks and online and mobile services prepares me well to explain the secrets to doing a deal in entertainment tech" Schwarz says.
The panel presentation will be moderated by Glen Hall, The Blakewell Consultancy and will feature Schwarz and other experts including Stephen Condon, Vice President, Marketing Entriq Inc and Mike Newman, CEO, Accordent Technologies, Inc.
According to the GSAM website, this panel will look at the realities of understanding if you (the client) can match with you (the vendor). As a client, can you actually express well internally what you want to do? Can you translate that into a meaningful and durable dialogue with a vendor? Does the vendor express their capability in a syntax that matches your needs? And where exactly to the consultants fit in?
WANT COPY OF PRESENTATION ON TECH DEALS? For a copy of Joyce's presentation, please email her at [email protected]. Or call her directly at her JCOM office in Marina Del Rey, California, 310-822-3119. You can read more about Joyce Schwarz at