This is a continuing series of posts from Newfoundland about culture in a sustainable society. Blogger Joyce Schwarz is part of a group of travelers who have been invited up by Horizon & Co (Boutique travel firm in Canada) and Parks Canada and Newfoundland Tourism.
LATH ART -- whimsy and wonder -- and lots of hard work to turn discarded elements from the earth into art. Human innovation in the act!
an example of Lath art that is from the walls of the Seaside Restaurant in Rocky Harbour-- it makes a kewl background for the initiation ceremony into the Royal Order of Screechers-- make sure to read that post on
WHAT"S LATH ART -- don't say LATHE (that's a machine)--
Here's a clickthrough to an explanation we found on this craft site-- it will tell you more-- but if I were you -- I'd head up to Newfoundland to buy the art in person-- it's so beautiful and so much work goes into it-- a trip to Newfoundland is probably a lot more fun than weaving and nailing hundreds of pieces of wood together! A Woodscape artKit is a style of art commonly referred to as "lath art". This style of art is made up of strips of wood, or "lath" The lath is similar to ... - 18k -
The Lath Art I saw has an incredible sense of humour with it -- and it's so stylized ~
More explanation of Lath art mentions that it is a New England Maritime tradition too
Early materials consisted of weathered wood, old snow fencing and old plaster lath. The natural patina and bleached wood gave Lath Art it's unique faded ... - 18k - Also Newfoundland craft & folk/lath art (3-D Wooden Pictures). Second building on right at entrance to town. From Jun 01 - Oct 01 ...
The Yellow slicker makes the visitor and the resident look alike from the back
in Newfoundland it's a style that never goes out of style! Pictured Newfoundland Lath Art at the Seaside Restaurant in Newfoundland.
Women In Woodworking - Woodworkers' Websites Links Here's a link to some Newfoundland lath art and other art I found online!
Frak's Workshop produces lath art pictures , woodcarvings , and many other ... Welcome to Newfoundland Photos and Crafts . This site is dedicated to photos ...
I went on to graduate from Memorial University of Newfoundland in 1979 with ... kind” unique pieces of colorful driftwood lath art, a new style of folkart. ... |